Your Character
*Character name: Tsarmina
*Class: Hunter
*Race: Pandaren
What professions are you doing / do you plan to do with this character?: Mining/Engineering
Picture of your character:
*Is this character your main character in WoW?: Nope! My main is Niza, my Troll Priest who is in DotH.
Name: Lindsay
Age: 26
Location: Georgia
Picture of you: Add me on FB ifyou like.
Contact (AIM, E-mail, etc?): ;*Tell us a little about yourself: I'm a musician, gamer, bookworm and all around nerd.
*How long have you been playing World of Warcraft?: Since 2005, but took a break shortly after Cataclysm came out and started back up a couple of months ago.
*What other characters do you have, and play (or have played) on a regular basis?: Niza, my aforementioned main. Also Sheriam (Undead Mage), Muta (Blood Elf Rogue), Miyara (Pandaren Monk), and Julez (Goblin Warrior).
*How did you learn about DotA (website, real life friend, online friend, wow_ladies livejournal community, etc…)? Through DotH!