Tiem for Illidan's house again. Same as the other weeks (Glaives reserved etc) except this week it will be on Sunday at 4PM ST. If this time is particularly horrid for everyone let me know and i'll figure something else out, but I moved it to try and not clash with some ICC runs I've heard might start happening later on Sundays. Black Temple is very quick now and even quicker with more people, so come play and get xmog gear!
We may also do SSC, TK (phoenix mount drops here!), Mags, Gruul, etc etc etc depending on what people want to do afterwards. We did TK, SSC, Mags, and BWL last week!
Also don't forget, 4.3.2 went live this week and brings with it cross realm raiding with real ID friends, so if you have a friend on another server who's cool with the glaive reservation and wants to go we can bring them along!
http://raids.dota-guild.com/raids/527 Also, unrelated to Illibum, Blizz posted Lor'themar's leader story on the official website recently (which is actually a story from a few years ago that won the fanfic contest and was adopted as official lore so you may have already read it, but who's counting?). It's here: