
Sep 09, 2011 15:45

Your Character
*Character name: Veraxa
*Class: Paladin
*Race: Human
What professions are you doing / do you plan to do with this character?: Herb/Alchemy
*Is this character your main character in WoW?: It's my original main...like from launch.  I've been Horde for a long time, but I'd like to see all the Alliance side again :)

Name: Nichole
*How long have you been playing World of Warcraft?:  At launch for a couple years, but left to play other games when bored like LoTR, Vanguard, Evercrack 2 and Warhammer
*What other characters do you have, and play (or have played) on a regular basis?: Shalla in DotH
*How did you learn about DotA (website, real life friend, online friend, wow_ladies livejournal community, etc…)? I've been in DoTH for a little bit so I switched for Traitor Day.

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