Random Battlegrounds

Jun 29, 2011 14:01

Sunday, the 3rd @ 4:00 P.M. Server Time we shall be doing some random battlegrounds to gear up for the coming rated battlegrounds in the next following weeks.  As of now AV Enabler is updated, but their not sure that it's working.  So, looks like we will have to wait till they are sure it is working (hopefully by next week).  Instead we will be splitting into groups of 5 and random queuing.  Depending on how many sign up or wish to attend we can try and even out the groups.

Our goal's will be to:
A. Get as much honor as possible.  Remember to check your honor after each battleground so your not capped and losing out on honor.
B. Get experience with the members you are queuing with.  Most likely the people that will be doing random battlegrounds for gear our interested in the rated battlegrounds so, it works out.
C.  Have fun.  Battlegrounds are meant to be fun, though they can be frustrating.

  • Level 85.  (Though if lower levels wish to queue together they may!)
  • 0-100+ resilience.  As of now the point of doing random battlegrounds is to get honor for gear.  The amount needed will increase slowly as we gear up.  Right now you don't need any, the requirement will be increased till we reach a comfortable resilience in which we believe we can do rated battlegrounds in the future.
  •  PvP Spec.  Okay, so this won't be a requirement as of now but, once we get more geared we will want everyone to have a spec for pvp in which it will help us as a group.  For the next couple of weeks we will want to test spec's out as much as possible till we find one that is 1. in your interest / 2. helpful to not only you but others / 3. increases your survivability.  Once you feel comfortable with a spec go ahead and keep it!  Remember you may want to have it checked out or if you have any questions about a spec drop a comment here.  A pvp spec might become mandatory once we start rated battlegrounds. 
  • Experience required - none as of now.  We will obtain experience as we do random battlegrounds together.  Most people got experience last week during rated battlegrounds so that will be useful.
This weekends Call to Arms is AV, so we might just do that but, will vote on which one we do.  If you are interested and signing up drop a comment with 'Character name / spec' please!
Group 1 Slots:
Healer - Eclair (Disc) *Priest*
DPS - Rukia (Sub) *Rogue*
DPS - Jaagr (BM) *Hunter*
DPS - Bexa (Boomkin) *Druid*
Healer / DPS / Tank - Confess (Shadow) *Priest* [tentative]

Group 2 Slots:
Healer -
DPS - Expletive (Destro) *Warlock*
DPS - Eilandra (Kitty) *Druid*
DPS - Gnadine (Shadow) *Priest*
Healer / DPS / Tank - Valrena (Frost) *Death Knight*

Group 3 Slots:
Healer -
Healer / DPS / Tank -

Waiting List:

pvp: battlegrounds, pvp

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