Apr 16, 2011 05:36
There is still plenty of room for today's Explore Run if you're interested. :) The runs will start at 11:00am Server Time. One small change, you no longer have to group up at IF. I had forgotten about the whole party summoning powers that our wonderful guild has... SO.. here's what's going to happen.. I will go to the start area prior to 11 and insure the area is cleared out of anything that can possibly harm a lowbie toon. Then when everyone is ready, at 11 I will summon everyone and we'll mount up and begin our run. THIS WILL INCLUDE FLIGHT POINTS :) :) :) I have mapped out and laid out flight plans for the zones we will be in to keep this a nice smooth run. If you cannot make the 11am run, no worries.. I will be running this ALL DAY and into the NIGHT. So everyone should get a chance at this. I will run you through the zones until you have either done all you can, are tired or bored, or just want to do something else. I will still be going. If a passenger needs to leave during a run, they will be dropped off at a safe zone and I will simply summon the next toon that would like to join in. I would also like to encourage the larger toons to jump in and follow along at any time on whatever flying mount you have. I would LOVE to see a caravan of us all flying all over the Eastern Kingdoms. Vent WILL be used for this run. It's not mandatory but is highly encouraged for easier communication while flying. See you there!
guild: social event