May 24, 2009 05:37
First off, am very much enjoying the server and the guild. Thanks for having me!
Having a hard time getting used to seeing enemy players that I can't attack and vice versa. Kind of a good thing I guess, since I'm stuck in the horde mindset and want to go hug the ones I see, especially trolls =P
First question: is there an enchanter that's on regularly that I can pay to be my personal DE bot? I find myself without an enchanter and thus no way to DE the random green drops and things I make when skilling up tailoring. I will be happy to pay a fee each time I mail a batch of junk to you, in exchange for your time.
Second question: what's the healer situation like on this server? I have a sixty-something draenei shammy that I'm thinking about working on as well. If healers are massively overpopulated though I may not bother transferring her and roll something new instead.