Dec 17, 2008 20:31
Since I'm interested in hitting up the first Nexus boss for the Christmas hat and some others are interested in this as well, I thought I'd try to set up an exact day/time and avoid confusion:
How about Friday the 19th at 6:00pm server time?
I can be flexible so if this doesn't work please suggest a different time - I'd like to get a time where several of us can do this - hopefully including someone who's actually been to Nexus before =)
I would be taking Briara, my 70 holy pally who is probably severely undergeared. She may be 71 by then, but she may not, and she certainly won't be higher. I can stick around and run this multiple times so that everyone who wants a hat can get one and/or so people can bring alts as well.
1.) Briara - 70 holy pally - heals?
2.) Sybelle - 73 shadow priest - DPS
3.) Alixia - 74 frost mage - DPS