I would really like to get all five of my lower-level alts portaled to Dalaran. I say portaled rather than summoned because afaik, portals use reagents bought with money rather than soul-shards and are thus easier to obtain, and don't require a 2nd and 3rd person. I know there is a fishing party coming up, but since I have so many alts I'd like to make sure they all get there and I'd like to compensate for your trouble. I'll give you a
[Black Tabby] in payment - or if that doesn't please I'll find something that will. You name the time - anytime after 6pm server time tonight through any time on Monday (after that we'll need to compare schedules) - and the major city to meet in. I'd be more than happy to share the 'portal party' with anyone else needing one, and I'll be happy to use the battlegrounds summons to get anyone's alts there in my alts' level brackets (my alts are 56, 37, 25, 25, and 25... I think).