Nov 20, 2008 13:40
This poll focuses on raiding. However, if you are not yet interested in raiding, there are still some things that may be of interest to you in the last question. (If you aren't interested in raiding, please do not fill out any of the questions except for the last one)
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!dota: management,
raid: schedule
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But :D the best way to make sure you are getting instances done is to find a day and time that works well for you, and just make a post in the community. So long as you are sure to be clear on the day, time, and roles you need (just following the format you see a lot around here...)
The Nexus (level 70-72 instance)
Nov 30th, 5pm server time
1. (tank)
2. Alaphrei (healer)
3. Kelsin (dps)
4. (dps)
5. (dps)
Or something like that, makes it nice and easy for people to see whether or not they are needed for an instance and figure out if they are free that day/time :) The only important thing is what I'd already mentioned... it is important, in lower level instances especially, to be willing to fill in with random people (rather than expect high level help etc). That isn't always necessary though, and it's definitely a huge plus when pugs are not needed :D
I have a pally in the high 40s, but unfortunately she needs to hit 60 before our Refer-a-Friend is up, so we'll probably out-level you by the time you get back :(
Still, when you hit 60, my boyfriend and I have a LOT of alts in that level range and I'd love to run an early Outland instance with you :)
I'll try to set things up once RL settles a bit (and I get back home) and I can find a good day for me not be a hordie lol... and since I've always wanted my Druid to be a healer I'd rather go with people around my level so I can actually do some healing and get use to it, so if I have to PuG a space or two I'm okay with that.
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