I want to do
Blackrock Depths on my Shaman, she is only level 51 at the moment, so she would need an awesome run through team :)
Seeing as some people are working on their MC attunement, it might be a good opportunity to basically tear the place apart and get me some nomnom elemental mail. I want to cover all of the bosses, so if you sign up, be in for the long haul :)
Level: 55 - 60
Requires level 40
Territory: Contested
Tuesday 6ST
1. Trixaa 51 Elemental Shaman DPS \ Off-heals if needed
2. Meishka 60 Enhancement Shaman DPS
3. Suidae 60 Hunter DPS
4. Briara 70 Holy Pally Heals
5. Eriu 70 Feral Drood Tank
alt: Smoki 56 Feral Druid
We need a Tank at this point. Or an uber leet 70! ;D