May 18, 2008 11:01
This poll is aimed toward our raiders and those who are at 70 and would like to raid, or approaching 70 and would like to raid.
(Later in the day I will be making a poll for more general interest outside of raiding, so stay tuned ;))
My observation lately is that interest in Karazhan is waning. I would never like to completely push Kara off the table, since Karazhan is an entry-level raid for newer members and also has badge goodness for more experienced members. This is not a discussion to remove Karazhan but a discussion of how to balance our priorities in raiding.
We have the following instances currently on our collective raiding plate: Karazhan (10), Zul'aman (10), Gruul's Lair (25), Magtheridon's Lair (25)
One instance I know there has been a lot of interest in trying out is Serpentshrine Cavern (25), but that adds another instance to an already pretty full table.
We typically only raid 2 or 3 nights on a weekend, and we have a free weekend from official guild raids one of every 3 weeks. This will not be changing - I don't believe that as a guild we have a desire to be more "hardcore", only a desire to see more content. We will not be abolishing our off-week, nor will we start regular official raids 5 days of the week or anything of the sort. So naturally this must lead to deciding where our priorities lie.
I'm just looking for where YOUR characters stand, what content you are interested in. (If you are a brand new 70, you might be interested in ZA but you won't be able to do it yet, so as a new 70 you should probably be checking the "Karazhan" box (and maybe Gruul depending on how new you are) if you want to keep moving forward.) Hearing what sort of content our members need to hit is useful in determining what sort of schedules we should start going on.
Our newer members and newer level 70s or 70-to-be members are really important to us too of course, so we'd really like to hear from all of you :)
As an additional note, option #1 for question 2 would allow "unofficial" Karazhan runs to keep running either weekly or bi-weekly, but it would probably not leave much time for a normal Friday or Saturday Karazhan raid. Option #2 would leave time for a normal Friday or Saturday Karazhan raid, but not much time for new content unless we wanted to rotate whether we do Gruul/Mag or SSC. Try to keep in mind the trade-offs of each option as you choose what your preferred schedule would be. The farm weekend/progression weekend options could lead to not a whole lot of time to tackle new content, but would allow [hopefully] quicker gearing up of people who aren't able to do 'progression' weekend content yet.
This is all meant to reflect what we can currently do now or in the near future - likely a 1-night clear of Karazhan is in the future, as well as a 1-night clear of Gruul + Mag. ZA is still in a "learning" mode so that will not be a 1-night clear any time soon, once we have ZA down it will probably be worth re-evaluating our schedule when the time comes. That is probably some time into the future however :)
I welcome your comments of additional ideas or questions!
Poll Raiding poll determining content focuses
!dota: management