This is an attunement and interest post, not a sign up post.
Sooo a lot of folks are definitely keen on doing some of the "old school" raids. So here's a poll; next week is an off week, so this is like a "party" as opposed to a "raid".
Please feel comment with your thoughts on any of the raids, as many people may not have had the opportunity to go to any of these raids. For instance, the only raids I've ever done is ZG and Onyxia, so I might be interested to hear the thoughts of people who have been to AQ and so forth. If there is enough interest, we can *maybe* try to schedule this as a Guild once a month or something.
The tentative dates would be Saturday/Sunday. I'm leaving Friday open for anyone who might want to schedule something else. XD Depending on the raid, it might not take that long to do. Onyxia, for instance, would take us about 20 minutes to do (assuming she doesn't bug out....e_e) given enough 60+ folks.
Here is a summary and an lol explanation of each of the raids. For more information, please refer to wowwiki XD
Upper Blackrock Spire -- fire and dragons -- requires one person to have
Seal of Ascension 20-man
Zul'Gurub -- trolls and jungle critters -- no attunement
Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj -- it's...bugs -- no attunement, but quests can only be acquired if Cenarian Circle are your homies
Molten Core -- dragons, dragons, fire -- one quest, one run through BRD to complete
Onyxia -- mother of all dragons -- looooong quest line attunement
Blackwing Lair -- continues trend with dragons -- one step attunement quest
Temple of AQ -- more bugs -- no attunement required
Naxxramus -- plague things and ghoulies -- requires rep with the Argent Dawn and a quest
Poll Old School Raids