The Halicarnassus RPG

Mar 01, 2008 12:57

It’s the modern world. The line at Starbucks is impossible from six to ten in the morning, and the city’s always moving. It’s strange, but people never really notice it -humans rarely notice it, but maybe that’s because most of them aren’t looking.

There’s a slip of wonder in the city that keeps it from fading into the mundane. That’s why Halicarnassus has often been described as the supernatural metropolis of the US, the New Eden; where even among the average and unaware, paranormal sightings are not altogether uncommon. Remnants of the early town that became the blossomed city can still be seen today, in the arts and in tales and history.

It is a place where cultures connect and races mingle, where a myriad of individuals combine to recreate the old world within the new. Among men are supernatural beings of myths and legends; from incarnations of old gods to fairy creatures and talking beasts. Assuming human guise, these beings are all drawn by the power source that sustains the city itself; a rift of magic that controls the fate of mortal man.

Caught in the tides of a coming war, most beings have already started to draw sides between man and god. Is it man’s destiny to overcome all obstacles and advance by their own hands, or are they better off under the guidance and wisdom of the gods?


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