Tidbits #1

Jul 18, 2009 11:56

The weather is "terrible". Been raining on and off for six hours.
My cat kept me awake throughout most of the night, sleeping on me, next to me, purring, hunting her toy, purring some more.
Went to buy soft catfood and managed to miss the downfall of massive rain by two minutes.

Read the news about Jackson. Janet seems to want to be the caretaker. Best option in my opinion seeing how the grandmother is old and dedicates her life to a screwed-up religion (my opinion) and have an abusive contol-freak husband. Janet cares. She seems genuine and she has the means to take care of the children oppose to some other selected candidate *coughLaToyacough* who's just after fame and glory.
I still believe that the children should have a say, and seeing how Paris chose to hide in Janet's arms after the speach during the memorial, it's somewhat obvious what they want. Or at least what Paris wants.

I have roughly 28 newspapers to deal with.
I bought a new garden in MolehillEmpire last night. Trying to catch up on crops now. Had to sell almost everything I had to get it.
There's an Agility level coming up in RS. Should be about 20 Dorgesh-Kaan laps to go.

Nothing else is planned. My muscles feels sore for some unexplained reason.
I would like a Pepsi right now. *sigh*
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