
May 26, 2007 23:37

Pretty Lies )

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brkngreeneyes May 28 2007, 04:29:30 UTC
He shrugged, calling over his shoulder as the guy walked away. "I didn't know what you liked, man! Beer works."

Saying that made him feel a little weird. Like they were friends, or boyfriends. "You know, you're not the average kind of guy I spend my time with."

"To be honest, this is getting to be a weird night for me."


pretty_jaded May 28 2007, 04:36:36 UTC
He laughed, grabbing two beers and walking back in, slumping back down onto the couch with a put-upon groan. Handed him a bottle, arching a brow.

"Would you prefer me to tie you down on the bed or something? You'll get a little bored, though, cause I think I'm pretty wrung out for now and I'm starvin'."

Grinned, grabbing a box and peeking inside.


brkngreeneyes May 28 2007, 04:42:31 UTC
He snickered and slid the yellowtail his way. "Whatever you want, man. But I'm just sayin'."

"Most, no all, of the guys I hang with for the night? Usually go at it til they can't anymore, pass out and I head home. You're...being nice to me and shit."

Broke out the soy sauce, putting up a hand with a laugh. "Believe me, I'm not complaining. Just not something I'm used to."


pretty_jaded May 28 2007, 04:50:41 UTC
He shook his head, trying to keep things light even though something deep inside clenched a little at that.

Picked through the box with his fork, glancing over at him with a snort. "Giving you something to eat and drink is being nice to you? You really need to find better quality men, man."


brkngreeneyes May 28 2007, 05:01:30 UTC
Dean snorted at that. "Yeah, well, you kind of need...representation to get the better clients, let's say. And that just hasn't panned out, at least not yet."

And besides, it didn't matter. He'd hooked up with everything from mayors to truck drivers. And they were all the same m.o., get in, get off, go home. Worked for Dean just fine.

"But I do appreciate it. The TV, the food, it's awesome."


pretty_jaded May 28 2007, 05:20:52 UTC
He slid his eyes over the other man, frowning slightly at that. "Richer doesn't mean better," he murmured, knowing well that the bigger players in the city were the worst sort to do anything with.

Shrugged, dropping it, since it was nothing to do with him or his life. Settled back against the couch, popping a forkfull of vegetables into his mouth and chewing a moment.

"Least I can do."


brkngreeneyes May 28 2007, 05:29:55 UTC
Snickered at that. "Ain't that the truth." And no, paying me two grand without batting an eyelash and then feeding me is way more than the least you could do.

He worked on the sushi and miso, chewing happily. He made enough to eat alright, but not to splurge on actual good food. This was definitely panning out well so far.

The guy was being so nice he was waiting for the other shoe to drop, though. No one's ever nice out of the goodness of their hearts it seemed, not in his experience. And the guy had paid for a whole night, there was still alot of time to spring something crazy on him.


pretty_jaded May 28 2007, 18:52:23 UTC
He ate but couldn't have said how it tasted after, he was too busy watching the other man eat, his obvious enjoyment of the food. Smiled, setting aside the half empty boxes, slightly amazed he'd eaten so much.

Hadn't had much of an appetite in more time than he could remember.

He tipped the beer to his lips, head falling back against the couch, slouching down and sprawling out.


brkngreeneyes May 28 2007, 19:09:17 UTC
It occured to him about halfway through the meal that beer was probably not the best thing to go with sushi, but he didn't care. It washed down the food and that was enough for him.

Took another pull from the bottle, swallowing.

Licking his lips as he rested his head against the couch cushions, letting his thighs slide under the coffee table.


pretty_jaded May 28 2007, 19:45:45 UTC
He stretched, glancing over to see if he were done eating. Didn't know where the kid put it all.

"You done?" he asked, laughing slightly at the slouched, relaxed position, hand drawn to the still damp hair, petting it back.


brkngreeneyes May 28 2007, 20:00:57 UTC
He let his head fall back, casting a small smirk his way.

"Yeah, good stuff."

He spun a chopstick in his fingers, the small piece of wood whistling in the air. Started switching it from finger to finger, hand to hand, handling it with practiced ease. Used to do this with his knives all the time.


pretty_jaded May 28 2007, 20:17:13 UTC
He nodded, arching a brow at the chopstick dancing along his fingers, hands. Let his hand linger in the younger man's hair, stroking absently a moment before pulling away and getting to his feet.

He picked up the boxes, taking them and sticking them in his practically empty fridge, walking back in and settling down on the couch again. Unable to beleive how relaxed he felt.


brkngreeneyes May 28 2007, 20:27:02 UTC
Flipped the stick up in the air and let it land in his hand, settling it on the coffee table before looking up.

"So, something tells me you don't do this often." He clinked his beer against the guy's.

"What made you decide to invite me back to your humble abode?"


pretty_jaded May 28 2007, 20:40:01 UTC
He shook his head, stretching out.

"Naw, you're my first," he grinned with a lazy wink, head resting on the couch watching him with a smile. Shrugged.

"I'm not sure, honestly. Seems to have worked out well so far for me, though."


brkngreeneyes May 28 2007, 20:53:24 UTC
Dean snorted at that. "Well that's good. Don't want to put you off the idea."

Laughed despite himself, tipping the beer to his lips. "Glad to have popped your cherry."


pretty_jaded May 28 2007, 21:09:19 UTC
He grinned, licking over his lips.

"Don't see that happening, trust me." Not that he thought he'd be going out again and doing this.

"You've been anything but a dissapointment."


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