Sep 13, 2005 19:56
As I sat outside watching the last bit of the golden sun’s embers sink into nothingness, the cold of San Diego sets in. For some strange reason the cold of this place is a comfort to me. I sit here every day, my throat sour from singing hours at a time, thinking about the only person I can think of. She is far away and I am powerless to do anything about it. The other day she saw just what I do for her everyday and it touched her heart. She reached out for the computer to touch me but couldn’t. She cried because of this and she even made a picture that did nothing but make my heart jump with love as it once did. She said to me that she wishes I come there and see her, for a moment I felt that I needed to be there to hold her not for my feelings, but for the pain that she felt when she saw me. I want so badly to take it all away and be happy with her and for a moment it felt so close….then.
I tell her that I will stop at nothing to see her again that I love her and I will be there soon. Thinking that this is what I need to do she sends me this email saying that she doesn’t want me to see her. And so here I sit, bags packed, nowhere to go. She doesn’t want me to see her. Then I will not. Why is she running away from me when she reaches out for me? Why does she say such things like she can’t stop crying over this picture that is pretty much my way of life and then tells me to go away? Why…