Got home from a looong day at work (seriously, this whole week has been passing by way too slowly), and now the chicken is in the oven, and I am writing up some cards for some co-workers... Am making some Garlic Chicken Pasta for the potluck tomorrow. It should be fun! I brought in my Friends trivia game today to play tomorrow. A lot of Friends fans in the office, so I am going to have some worthy opponents!
So I decided on gifts for my co-workers. I got ten baggies at the dollar store, and filled them up with some cookies and am writing up the above-mentioned cards. I am giving them to the team (a small group of us, as opposed to the larger overall group that is Bam Strategy), particularly those I worked closely with these past few months. Plus one for our company's president. Don't know what the rules are for that one... But I got a $500 bonus for the Holidays, and I definitely want to give him something as a thank you. I also need to personally say thank you to him (haven't yet: wasn't in the office yesterday, and forgot today); how do I do that? "Here are some cookies, and thank you for the 500 smackeroos?" I want to be tactful and polite, but also want to really thank him. Oh, this could be awkward... I will write a bit something in the card, though.
Anyhoo, I just don't want to offend anyone by not giving them anything, so I chose only the Divine team. Hmm. I forgot about our receptionist, though... But then I may have to give one to our Human Resources girl, and our comptroller... Argh! This is so confusing... :( Plus, if I add these extra people, I don't have baggies handy! I guess I could gift-wrap them... Blarg.
Oh! The company Holiday card is up! It looks great. The creative team (particularly Wilbert) did a fantabulous job of it. Here it is: Nothing much else going on. Looking forward to the break. My last day at Indigo is coming up this Saturday; it's going to be hard to say goodbye. Following that evening up by going to see The Nutcracker with my sis and Angie, which should be fun. Then it's all about laying low, and writing and sending out some e-cards.
Ok, back to the card-writing I go...