Title: Willful Destruction of Evidence
wouldbeashame Beta:
captain_vox Rating: PG-13
Characters: Lestrade, Anderson, Donovan
Summary: The one in which Lestrade ignores a footprint. Not misses, but ignores. And then willfully destroys evidence.
Word Count: 552
Warnings: Description of light torture.
Spoilers: A Study in Pink
Comfort between the words... )
Yeah, I work out my issues with canon in fanfic. I suppose it does come off a bit... dark? The show started it? Yeah, there's really no excuse.
I may actually be incapable of doing fluff without a dash of either bizarre or creepy... (Manipulative bastards are desirable? And that neck of Benedict's? Mysterious superpower?)
Thanks again.
Dark is apparently what I do well, or perhaps am drawn to, in both shows and my fiction. No one in the show is a perfect pillar of morality, no matter what they seem or present to the world. It becomes a game of 'relatively least atrocious', in which I would place John or Lestrade at the top.
Of course, there is the argument of whether it is worse to kill a man who is putting another in immediate mortal peril or to torture a dying man for information that may prove useful in the solving/preventing of future crimes. Was killing the only way to be sure he would not harm Sherlock? Was torture the only way to acquire that information? Do I think far too much about my TV shows?
(Also, please forgive my inner Sherlock!voice for pointing out that 'may be' should be two words here and that the phrase is actually 'all intents and purposes')
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