Title: Apology
Author: wouldbeashame
Rating: PG
Characters: John, Molly
Summary: John's got a plan and he knows exactly who might be able to help him with it.
Word Count: 100 (Drabble!)
Warnings: None
Spoilers: Nothing specific.
Author Note: This story has been translated into Chinese by
xmooncake and can be found
John shuffles awkwardly into Bart’s morgue. He finds Molly at her work, thankfully, filling out an autopsy report. This is stupid and ill-advised and now it has a slight chance of succeeding. She looks up with a smile that doesn’t warp when he’s not who she expects him to be.
"I need to apologize to Sherlock, you see-" He blurts, before losing all nerve.
Molly sets aside her paperwork to pull out a cadaver marked for medical research.
"Which parts do you want? Also, if you grab me a coffee I can giftwrap for you," She says, revving a saw.