Title: Synthesis
Author: wouldbeashame
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Sylar, Chuck
Summary: Sylar finds something unexpected but not entirely unpleasant at a Buy More when he's passing through Los Angeles.
A/N: Crossover between Heroes and Chuck, mostly because Heroes won't leave me alone about wanting to be crossed over with just about every other fandom I
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I hadn't intended the impression he had gotten the intercept, just an alluring idea of it(Figures that my first time writing and posting a make-out would be Sylar spending most of the time appreciating things other than the actual making-out. Then again, what better way to attract Sylar than sweet vulnerability+a mind that is literally the most complex machine the government can make?). You know, just enough to make him pencil in a stop on his way back home.
I am resisting the urge to write the 'Sylar kidnaps(road trips with) Chuck and takes him home' sequel rattling around in my head. With obligatory Micah 'Bwah?' reaction to man-machine Chuck. And possible Peter/Claude training-style bickering.
I'm not even sure Sylar could acquire the intercept through either empathy or brain-poking, since it's not a natural genetic power. But then again it is something housed in the brain, so he might be able to figure it out and mimic it. It would be downright terrifying if he did get it. Worse if the Company's files are stored in it.
Which is totally giving me images of Casey having a ability (like Adoptive Muscle Memory? http://heroeswiki.com/Adoptive_muscle_memory ) and that is both odd and makes me giggle ALL at once.
Like I said, Intercept!Sylar would be a scary thing <3
Rambling aside, I still love this the second read through
I can't imagine they would be pleased, but I feel like Sylar would be a little too amused by their pursuit and turn it into a game of cat and mouse. Of course, if one of them has an ability, that makes it a whole new game. (Now having giggly images of Casey unconsciously carving tomato flowers)
On top of how scary Intercept!Sylar would be, he'd get back to New York, and Peter, and they'd have three Intercepts on the loose, two with superpowers and one with randomly activating kung-fu.
When doesn't he turn someone chasing him into a game of some sort? Sarah I can't see with an ability, but Casey I could almost. (And now I'm giggling over that. "What are going Casey?" "...nothing" "It looks lik-" "Shut UP Bartowski!" (can you tell I slash Chuck/Casey? THE MORE YOU KNOW!)
And now I giggle at the idea Intercept!Sylar and Intercept!Peter trying to out-do each other somehow, though I have no idea how and Chuck just being all "..eheheh" about it.
Sylar does seem to love being pursued, what with the way he taunts people so blatently. But I feel like he'd get more fun out of le Angel De La Muerte than he would of most pursuers. They could almost be friends, if they could get past the 'illegal serial-killer' and 'kidnapping Chuck' thing.
Sarah's 'ability' is killing things with lots of weaponry and messing with Chuck's emotions. What more does she need?
(So amused by that mental image. There are so many fun things Casey can embarrass himself by replicating, and for once Chuck gets to be the semi-suave one while somebody else can't control their body/mind. I tell myself I don't ship anything on Chuck, then Sylar is all making double entendres about Chuck's taste physically and taste in cute killers he spends an awful lot of time with. I think he's trying to tell me something...)
Peter and Sylar on a spy retrieval mission trying to one-up each other and just getting in each others' way, while Chuck just swoops in at the last second when they're way too distracted with each other would be funny.
Or all three being a team, and Chuck being all 'Guys...? Guys! HEY! A little help for the guy who doesn't have super-powers over here?'
And Sylar being all "I defraged my intercept, so I can just peruse it instead of being helpless during flashes at random times, haven't you?"
Maybe he loves being chased because it means he's "special" enough to be chased? But I think you're right, being chased by someone like Casey would be an added bonus cause he's not a moron like some/most people. And I giggled at the idea of Sylar and Casey being friends.
Plus I'll admit I don't really like Sarah all that much. I mean I like her, but I don't at the same time if that makes any sense?
(I don't see Casey always have had the ability, but it was 'activated' around the same time as the others in the show? I dunno! I just know I was messing around with Chuck and Heroes in my head at work. And I love the idea of Chuck being able to be the "suave" one for Casey.)
They would be either the best or worst spy team ever, but man would it be awesome!
Oh Chuck, just call Casey, he'll come save you while Peter and Sylar try to out do each other and have UST <3
And I LAUGHED at the mental image I got of Chuck's face at Sylar saying that.
Short Version: Either we need to write or roleplay this Chuck-Heroes crossover thing, this is a FACT
Possibly. He does like attention, and there's no attention like that of a single-minded pursuer to make one feel worthy.
Casey's smart, capable, and deadly, everything Sylar could want in a playmate... I mean hunter. And I feel like they'd be one of those either instant bff's or enemies-for-life situations. You know, either showing off their deadly toys to one another and lamenting the stupidity of the general populace or hunting each other for all eternity sort of thing.
I think I get it, maybe. My feelings towards Sarah fluctuate. I feel like the writers have been crazy-inconsistent with her character, so I can never quite get a fix on her.
Activated then, or when he goes chasing Sylar into the Heroes 'verse. The show is never really consistent about how/when/why powers get activated. There's the eclipse, but people had powers in the six months ago flashback, but powers went away during the other eclipse, but then the company and founders have had their powers for much longer than the first eclipse. And Monica in specific started showing powers at a completely random non-eclipse time too. I give up.
Chuck likes the chance to be suave and show off. He also likes the idea of Casey being silly and getting a taste of 'doing wonky things because his body thinks it's a good idea' for once. Role-reversal ftw.
That it would. The government could solve the national debt just by charging admission to their missions. Or selling DVD copies afterward. I can just see it becoming a hit movie series, and people not realizing that it's real because of the 'awesome special effects'.
Because adding a second helping of UST to the spy mission will help a lot... At least Chuck and Casey know when it's appropriate(read: safe) to have UST with each other.
Sylar's quite good for flippant comments that make other people go 'Mur?'*headtilt/jawdrop*
(So if they're part machine once they have the intercept, and Micah can talk to machines and make machines do things... Entirely too many possibilities there.)
Short Version : So much for that resisting writing it thing... Who am I kidding, this much of the way in, might as well go all the way. Way too much potential here.
Fun Fact : I have never online RP'ed. I've lurked quite a few public LJ RP's, but never participated in either and LJ one or a chatroom-style one.
No, I think you meant playmate indeed. Cause even if Casey was hunting him down, I think Sylar would view it as a game they were playing and even tell Casey as much. Which might piss Casey off. And I still laugh at the idea of them being friends, but you're right, it would be one of those two ways I think too. Either "love 'em or like 'em" as my Dad used to put it.
"I just got a new gun, it's a *insert gun lingo and stuff I don't know!*" "Oooh, I got pyrokinesis now" "Hmm.. built in flamethrower?" "Exactly.. I guess"
All while Peter and Chuck are either making *smile-sigh* faces or D8!! faces at them.
Sarah seems to me to be the character that when they want something done they use her even if it seems to run against the character almost?
Yeeeeah, I gave up trying to understand what activated powers when I was reading on the HeroesWiki because there seems to be no consistency to it at all.
But with Casey getting his activated, I don't see it until the time he goes chasing after Sylar too. So I agree there :P
And I love role-reversal too \o/ So Casey loosing 'control' and Chuck able to help makes me smile.
Pfft, for Peter and Sylar it doesn't really matter when they UST because they never seem to NOT have it. Why should they care if it's safe or not?
And I love him for it and his flippant comments.
(Oooh my lord! That's an interesting thought. I love what I've seen of Micah and with those three being part-machine with the Intercet.. :D)
Short Version: Considering we're basically planning the thing in these comments, I think you're right.
Fun Fact: I bet I sound condesending! But it's like writing a story, only with another person. <3 <3
Because I see Peter as being secretly jealous of all the roadtrips Sylar has taken without him.
Yeah, I probably did. I'm giggling at the image of Peter and Chuck watching and sighing over their boys showing off their toys right up until the point where they're all "So I bet you couldn't torch that bitch's toupee at two hundred yards." "You're on." and having to race off to 'distract' them before they plunge the world into untold chaos.
Yeah, that sounds about right. Just kinda leaves me throwing up my hands and filing Sarah away under 'plot device/cliche' for the most part.
Heroes is mostly consistently inconsistent with internal consistency. And often makes about as much sense as the grammar of that convoluted sentence.
Chuck wants so badly to be the strong/suave one for 'his man', it's adorable.
Hey, there's not many places it isn't safe to have UST when you're both immortal and superpowered. Safe for bystanders is an entirely different story...
Ditto. Flippant comments always help, right? ...
(Hehe... mischief abounds)
Short Version: Sigh. This always happens. Never was good at that whole 'resisting temptation' thing.
(Sounding condescending is very easy on the internet, whether you mean to or not)Yeah, I get that. What kind of RP you have in mind?
Cause he totally would be jealous even if he didn't want to admit it. But then we've acknowledged the boy needs to get hit with a clue!brick so can we really expect any less?
Because Sylar and Casey on the same team would mean death for SOMEONE. I don't know who but it would be for someone even if it was only some poor toupee. Peter would probably smack Sylar to distract him while Chuck flailed in the background cause even with built-in spy skills, he's still Chuck and I love his flailing self.
And I really don't like plot device characters usually because they never get developed all that much so that when they are used for the plot, it could conceivably maybe not be against their character. But it doesn't make for a character that I connect with. Me personally? I 'connect' with Chuck the best because I feel he's the closest to how I would feel in the situation. Freaked out but trying my damnest.
At least they are consistent with their inconsistency? Or something. Words, they flow from my fingers and make no sense I swear.
Chuck often is adorable I swear, but you know he would want to try so hard (and am I pulling you into shipping Chuck/Casey cause it really is sounding like it? haha)
This is a true fact! A fact they both seem to forget on a regular basis. While Chuck in the background would be all "Uhh.. guys? A LITTLE HELP! STOP WITH THE LONGING LOOKS AND KICK THE OTHER GUY'S BUTTS!"
Sylar certainly seems to think so judging by how many he makes.
(Haha! Micah could be the "Charlie" to those three's "Angels" and I have no idea, my brain, she thinks of these things on the fly)
Short Version: If I was good at resisting, I would have never become involved in the Heroes fandom. I avoided it for a while because it looked dumb I thought. Then I watched and I was wrong. Plus some of the characters/actors are hot so that is a plus
(I wasn't trying I swear if I sounded it, I swear D8!) I dunno, this Chuck/Heroes epicness?
Sigh, for being so good with people, Peter sometimes really does need the clue!brick upside the head.
Haha, and Sylar'd get into a snarkfest with Peter while Casey'd be all 'Well, I'm off to go save my flailing asset(love). From himself. Again.'
And Chuck!flail is adorable. He's wonderful when he's being his dorky self.
I agree, it's just not great writing to have a character there merely to move the story along, because they're not even a connectable-with character at that point. Chuck is actually similar to S1 Heroes, a regular person suddenly thrust into a bizarre new situation and just trying to cope with it. It's one of the things I like about him too.
Sometimes Heroes makes me throw my hands up in the air and go 'Bah!'. And words. Very much words.
I think around the time both you and my Sylar muse ganged up on me in the rooting for Chuck/Casey thing, I pretty much gave up resisting.
"Guys, how many times have we been over this!? Longing-looks time and makeout time is AFTER the mission!"
Just what the bad guys need. Not only do they get beaten into the ground, all their tech/info stolen, and possibly their base blown up, they get snarkbitched at constantly while this is occuring.
(I giggle at the though of Micah running the show, and Casey being all "Why do we listen to this brat again?" "Because he can make THEM listen. Do you want to be the one trying to keep them in line?")
Short Version: I liked and watched Heroes on and off, but never got into the fandom. Then The Wall came along and I was all need-fic-for-that-NOW, and it just snowballed from there. I also may or may not have a huge crush on Zachary Quinto's voice.
(I know you weren't. But text-only mediums are annoying in the amount off information lost by not having inflections and pauses that speaking does. At least, that's my experience.) I was trying to ask more along the lines of how you wanted to do it. An LJ RP, with character journals, or a chatroom/messenger thing, or emailing bits back and forth, or what?
I think the very first time I flipped through the channels and stopped on Chuck, he was flailing over something and I was all "Oh he's kind of adorable, what is this show!"
And Sylar would totally make fun of Casey for his denial of liking Chuck, TOTALLY. (because he has a leg to stand on with his own denial/whatever with peter of course)
Agree agree *nod* Chuck may have special things about him as the show goes on, but you're right. He's just a normal guy who wants to just stay alive and live a normal life for the most part (I don't have cable anymore so I missed all of season 3 of Chuck D8 )
Ha ha! Your Sylar muse was rooting for it? <3 Good tastes (literally apparently too xD Chuck tastes good according to Sylar :P )
"I have no idea what you are speaking of! There are no longing-looks!" "WHATEVER! JUST BEAT THE BAD GUYS UP!"
Because if you are going to beat the bad guys, why not humiliate them and make then feel utterly unimportant why you're at it?
(You should giggle because I am and I love the image of Micah being the one running the show. Because nothing would be more useful with THREE Intersects to have someone who can make them do stuff)
Short Version: Pfft! I know I have a huge crush on Zachary Quinto's voice. The reason I don't have any money left on my iTunes gift card is cause I bough the Star Trek: 2009 audiobook which he reads.
And if this comments seems weird, I blame the fact I'm listening to "Hide and Seek" by Imogen Heap while writing it.
(I usually do chatroom/messenger things when I RP? I don't want to force you to do something you don't want to though so just tell me if you don't wanna do it :P )
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