Title: Serenade
Author: wouldbeashame
Rating: R for implied sex/violence, but not at all darkfic
Characters: Peter, Sylar
Summary: Peter is setting up a surprise for Sylar. Set in a completely unexplained pre-establised relationship between Peter and Sylar. Inspired by buddhist_babe2's comment on my
second fifty sentences set.
Time to set the scene... )
It's not an excuse, but more a possible explanation for why he acts and chooses the way he does. One's childhood can have a huge effect on who one is, and he's just now learning how to deal with/move on from some of the issues he picked up there.
Yeah? They were the best part of quite a few episodes this season, especially before The Wall came along. Constant back and forth snark and trying to one-up each other on the being a bastard scale makes for some hella amusing situations. Add in the mini-roadtrip and it was pretty much win all around.
Admittedly, Sylar did bait him into the drinking with a semi-convincing Brier Rabbit routine. But still, one would think rational thought would intrude at some point...
Creepy is an understatement. I really wonder what was going through his head. 'Well, my friend's all comatose here because he hopped into the serial killer's mind trap I set up. I guess I'll do nothing to help him, finish up this wall, leave both bodies down here after propping him up against said wall, and go make a sandwich.' Really? I just don't have words for it.
Although Samuel was pretty dumb for sending just Eli to deal with Sylar and Peter, so maybe the Shanti virus mutated to spread stupidity and laziness instead of powerlessness and a slight case of death among the specials or something, I don't know. At least that way I can pretend there's a reason for all the nonsensical stuff going on.
Re-watched some clips with Luke and Sylar. The kid is... interesting. On one hand he's admiring Sylar and on the other he's playing Sylar to his advantage. But it's less manipulation and more 'you play me I play you, we both know it's going on and are having fun with it'. And Luke even takes a step to end the mindgames, before he's interrupted by the government going all crazy on them. The kid keeps Sylar off-balance by pretty much accepting everything about Sylar without revulsion or much reaction beyond 'Cool, can I come along?', even when he gets to the killing people thing.
Which is my long way of saying, yes it's a good first step on the way to forming 'normal' relationships with people.
I kind of want to see Luke's reaction to the 'new' Sylar now. I'd like it to be written by the person/people who wrote the Matt/Sylar scenes this season, since they really nailed the snark-bitchyness banter that is Sylar, and I'd like to see some of that come back out in the new Sylar-without-killing.
Short Version : ♥ ! 'Cause you make me rethink and evaluate stuff, and this discussion is just so fun.
And I just noticed that this comment thread is way longer than the above fic itself, and only marginally related, but that's awesome in it's own way.
Maybe if he had had a different/better/whatever childhood things might have been different and made different choices. What if Samson hadn't sold him (and it not going like in my story)? What is Martin hadn't walked out on Virginia and Gabriel when he went to get cigarettes? What if Virginia hadn't pushed him so hard? What if she had accepted that what he was was good enough? What if Chandra hadn't walked into his shop and picked someone else for Patient Zero?
It's all a lot of what if and I realized as I was typing them I really have no point to the above paragraph.
Yeah. I'm watching Heroes on Netflix starting from S1 and working my way up to S4 (cause all four seasons can be watched online and my brother is letting me use his Netflix account to watch stuff) so I'm not there yet.
And look! A road trip! Sylar can't help but have road trips even if they are mini ones. We should call him Road Trip Boy or something haha!
...a sandwich? He went to make a sandwich after doing that? I mean I get that bricking up the comatose serial killer and moving your friend's unconscious body is hard work. But that's still creepy as all hell Matt. CREEPY. But maybe having Sylar in his head left some traces? I dunno. I have no words for how wtf that is for Matt.
Just because he's going to (probably) be a main-ish character in an Angel AU I'm going to be writing, I'm tempted to skip ahead to watch the episodes with Luke. And also I'm interested. It sounds like an interesting dynamic to me.
But either way, I think his interacting with a Special and /not/ killing him and stuff is a good first step *nod nod*
I'm interested in that too. Would be get angry and try to get the "old" Sylar back? Or would he accept it? I dunno. As I said, I haven't seen the Matt-Sylar scenes, but if you say they were well written, then I hope that writer(s) writes Luke if he comes back.
Short Version: <3! Same here! And I love discussions, they are always fun, espically when they are intelligent and not just "OMGILOVETHISCHARACTER!" ones I've gotten stuck in before
Pfft! We are going for the comment length record! It started as related though? :P
What if's are fun, and lead to many fic possibilities. Seeing how one tiny little change ripples out and effects everything else. And are usually how I get drawn into my never-to-be-finished!epics.
I actually just rewatched S1 and S2 recently(which is probably why the majority of my plunnie ideas currently reside post S1 finale and pre S2 premiere). It's interesting all the little things you can only catch on the second-watchthrough.
A crazy, unplanned, not-even-in-his-own-body!roadtrip, but a roadtrip nonetheless. He's pretty much earned some such title by now.
Yep, that's where Eli finds Matt in the finale, getting stuff out of the fridge for a sandwich. I want to know who on the writing staff thought that was anything BUT creepy and bizarre in the extreme...
Possibly, but you'd think Sylar!remnants would possibly be nicer to Sylar. Course, he never really did like himself all that much. There have been more than a few moments this season that just made me go *blink* 'Wait, run that by me again. I'm sure I got it wrong the first time. No? WTF'
I'd recommend watching before writing, but that's just me. Then again, skipping around in Heroes leads to all sorts of huhwhawaitwhatjusthappened moments. I should know, I watched the second season before I watched the first...
I like how Sylar puts it. "And I let you live. Which is kind of a big deal for me."
Short Version: Guh, I know those types, and while occasional indulgence in OMG is fine, I like intelligent analysis and stuff much more.
A tangent of a tangent of a tangent. And I think we're winning.
I love What-If's with a passion that is just silly. I love seeing or reading about how a person thinks one small change could change the whole grand scheme of things.
(And randomly I am intrigued by the idea of what if someone else had been Patient Zero? What would have happened to Gabriel then I wonder)
I am in the process of watching S1 and I can't help but love naive!Peter even if I love how snarky and stuff he is in say the later seasons from clips I've seen.
If there is another season and he doesn't have a road trip, I say we sent angry letters. Or at very least think angry thoughts in the directions. But Sylar and his road trips just has me giggling over what road trips with various characters would be like. With Noah? Sylar would probably die a few times just cause and maybe kill Noah back after getting pissed off (unless it was post S4?) With Claire? They'd probably kill each other just cause they CAN.
Why do all my ideas involve dying?
You do not go and eat a sandwich after that Matt, honestly. You at very least sit at your kitchen table and consider what to do next and then maybe after a while eat. I dunno. I stand by my Sylar!remnants in his head make him do wtf things. I have no idea really
Sylar has issues with himself so many thought-remnants of himself wouldn't be nice to him. But then again Sylar is if not anything else, interested in his own survival and doing that doesn't seem very conductive to that you know?
I actually started a good chuck of my writing before I'd even watched any Heroes and was going entirely off clips and HeroesWiki. But I really started writing and getting into watching after The Wall.
Short Version: I used to be one of those types over anime when I was younger. Thank GOD I'm not anymore. I love freaking out sometimes too, but I love talking more <3
What is a tangent of a tangent of a tangent? Totally off topic of the original idea I think, but I don't care cause I love this.
And damn straight we are.
I spend entirely too much time working out what-if's/divergent AU's for pretty much every fandom I'm in. They are a great way to occupy the mind during tedious parts of the day. Everything's connected and one tiny thing usually ends up having strange and distant results that seem unrelated.
(Huh, would he have never gotten introduced to the mess, or maybe he would have learned empathy first. He'd at least not have the whole 'brainz!' thing Chandra fostered. And on the flipside, Chandra might have gotten respect and probably would have lived if he had picked someone with a more active/visible/testable power. And there I go rambling again.)
Even niave!Peter has some snark in him when pressed, but sweet, caring Peter is great too.
I agree, by now it's tradition for there to be a Sylar roadtrip.
Noah and Sylar "You bastard, you hurt my daughter!" "Not much, just stalked her a bit. And stole her power. You can shoot me if it would make you feel better." *bang* "Yep, much better." "Ow. You weren't ACTUALLY supposed to shoot me! How do I explain this to the motel clerk!" "New fashion. Undead serial killer chic."
I can see Sylar and Claire playing punch-buggy, only instead it's kill-each-other-buggy. And if the car crashes because the driver didn't revive in time, what do they care?
Also, with Niki/Jessica, in which Sylar puts on his nice, sweet 'Gabriel' persona when Niki's around, and kicks copious amounts of ass in true Sylar style with Jessica when she's out.
Because Heroes practically extends a gold-carved invitation to character death?
Maybe Sylar!remnants now identify with Matt as home/self, and the real Sylar is now a threat to that? The lengths I'll go to to pretend the wtf moments actually make some kind of coherent sense...
Admittedly HeroesWiki is quite detailed and thorough, I just personally prefer to get the feel of the character/dialog directly before I write. One of my quirks. I feel like The Wall was really what the Heroes fandom/franchise needed.
Short Version: I still know people who are those types over both anime and live action shows(and was one of them at one point). Some things just seem universal. Freakout=initial reaction to something epic/awesome, but give me a minute or two and I'm all over talking and digging into it more rationally.
Whatever it is, it's the description for most of my conversations. And ditto on the love.
Heh, what's our prize?
I have an odd What-If? idea brewing in my head that is silly and makes no sense really at all, but it spawned none the less. And involves time-travel which I love is a feasible thing in Heroes. What-If's are one of the reasons I can do my job otherwise I would have beaten someone with my damn sign by this point. What-If's and music that is.
(Maybe Gabriel would have been one of the people Peter ran into and my mind is churning out ideas of good!Gabriel or evil!Peter if they teamed up from the very start, I have no idea.
But the Heroes-world would be very different if Chandra hadn't died and actually proved his results because he would have told the world I think unlike Mohinder seems to not be planning on it(I'm still in S1))
I actually like all versions of Peter because even in S4 he still has traces of naivety I am loving on in S1.
I haven't even seen them interact in the show but I love Noah and Sylar so much it's silly. It really just is.
And with Claire and Sylar, I love the idea of Slug Bug only instead of punching when you see VW Bug, you just punch when you feel like it. And not in the arm, but the face. And I giggle at the idea of them not caring that the car crashes with them in it, because really? It won't hurt them at all.
It really is, with all the characters who don't die even when they should have or just plain can't die.
That makes about as much sense as just Matt deciding that that was the PERFECT time for a sandwich.
I usually do too but before my brother let me use his password for his Netflix, I had no way to watch the episodes without renting the DVDs from the video store which I don't have the spare money for at all. And indeed, at least the Peter/Sylar part of it, ha ha!
Short Version: Is it terrible I can't stand people like that? Like I get this urge to hit people when I see them wearing like Twilight jackets and stuff but that might because I don't like Twilight at all >> Huuh
I freak out like when I first watch an episode of a show I love, I'll yell at the screen and the whole nine yards. Like when I watched The Wall, ooooh boy. But then like you, I like digging into it to try and find meanings that maybe even the creators didn't intend to be found, ha ha ha
Same here for my conversations, if I can stay on topic it's utterly amazing. <33333
We get the satisfaction of winning?
Would Chanda announcing it turn the world into IABD!verse the way Nathan announcing powers apparently would have, I wonder?
Peter, a dynamic character, almost unheard of in media nowadays. Developing characters is good.
Noah and Sylar are just so entertaining with how similar and polar opposite they are at the same time.
Claire and Sylar are... unique in their entertainments.
Merely a flesh wound!
I'm still trying to make sense of the bit in the finale right after Matt looks into Sylar's head and Sylar asks him "Do you see it, right here?" and makes a gesture just above his right shoulder. I feel like I'm missing something important or blatantly obvious, but I can't for the life of me figure out what.
Not sure how Heroes managed to smoosh together my favorite part of the season (the Peter/Sylar bits) and my least favorite part of the season (destroying Noah's character and completely re-writing his backstory) into the same episode. I just kinda pretend the retcon bits never happened.
Short Version: Nah, I just Gibbs-slap my friends when they start doing it excessively. We have an understanding. Twilight is good for mocking/parodies, and that's about all the use I see for it in most cases.
I sometimes wonder what the people beyond my paper-thin walls think of my squeeing and shouting during Castle or the like. But then the epicness distracts me and I find I don't really care that much as long as I don't have to interact with them and explain the strange noises emanating from my room.
'On topic' with me has evolved to mean something less than twenty degrees of separation from where I started. I still sometimes fail that. But tracing back conversations to see what they started at is always a fun game.
Sounds like a nice prize to me.
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