Title: Serenade
Author: wouldbeashame
Rating: R for implied sex/violence, but not at all darkfic
Characters: Peter, Sylar
Summary: Peter is setting up a surprise for Sylar. Set in a completely unexplained pre-establised relationship between Peter and Sylar. Inspired by buddhist_babe2's comment on my
second fifty sentences set.
Time to set the scene... )
Comments 27
Sadly, 'Fade to black' and 'well-glossed-implications' are the current extent of my smexings repertoire. Even though superpowered smex is awesome win.
You will send me a link if you do, right? *puppydogeyes*
I may secretly love that this fandom allows for fics which can completely legitimately be labeled 'consentual noncon'. Or implied con noncon in this case.
Sylar's a bit twisted, and Peter is totally willing to accommodate him. Oh, Peter...
Would we love Sylar any other way? Just because he has repented doesn't mean he's lost his twistedness :P
That's one of my favorite themes to play with, Sylar trying to figure out what it means to still be Sylar, just without the killing thing. All each of the in-show relationships he's in, he creates a different persona than himself, something like what he thinks they want/need him to be. In most cases, I don't see Peter putting up with any of that bull. If he's in a relationship with Sylar, he's going to actually want Sylar, not some persona created for his benefit.
Long, ranty philosophy/theory that I've probably thought too much about is long and ranty. Sorry.
Short version: We love Sylar's repented twistedness, and so does Peter.
I loved this is was funny.
Thank you. Twisted humor ftw. Writing these two as sweet is always an... interesting experience.
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