Title: Taste
Author: wouldbeashame
Rating: R for occasional non-explicit references to violence, general creepy-messedup-ness
Characters: Peter, Sylar
Summary: Peter accidentally accesses something he shouldn't have, and has to deal with the consequences. Also, completely unexplained pre-established relationship with Sylar going on here.
All it had been was a stray thought, a momentary flicker of envy for Sylar as Peter tried to work out the Daily Cryptogram in the paper. )
Comments 15
Plus it's just an awesome story and I can't really think of the proper way to say all the things I like except that I really love it <3
Any ETA on the huge story you keep teasing about? I'm getting pretty intrigued by it.
Thank you for the love!
Oh it's getting there, it's now 35KB and I'm not sure it's even close to being done. But Peter and Sylar(or rather Gabriel in this story) have finally met :P
No problem for the love because you deserve it!
Goodness, this is sounding downright epic. I eagerly await its debut.
That doesn't seem to be an entirely uncommon weakness in this fandom, or maybe it's just that I'm only posting to the Peter-Sylar comm. I swear, you can think up anything in this fandom and at least one or more people will share the same fascination, no matter how obscure. Did I mention that I love you guys?
Also, I'm flitting between the first and second set of sentences for my current fics, but the next two slated for editing/polishing and release are from the second set.
Yay despair! ...Wait... Oh well.
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