013 | Why Again? | Voice Post

Oct 25, 2008 14:13

[Private | Damn Hard to Hack]

It's like being back in Rapture all over again. Course, I ne'er died in Rapture... that would 'ave been a li'l bit more permanent. But this... now, again, with this new development... those beasts hoverin' in tha air are worse than Bid Daddies guarding their Little Sisters. Worse than Spider Splicers huggin' tha ceilings. Worse'n Houdini Splicers disappearin' and tryin' ta sneak up on ya.

It's hell of a different sort, but the prison's basically tha same. Do this: die. Try this: die. The consequences are tha same and so is the name o' tha "game."

Bloody fuckin' hell.


At least now I can properly defend myself wit'out it back-firin'. But what about those tha' can't? I'm not sure I like this much better'n before.

Rose. Did you get away? I--I never found you after, em, wakin' back up. An'--I guess this is a little late an' all, but you know...

Hey, if any o' you that know me ever need somethin', like, ya know, protection... I got my Plasmids and Tonics that make me pretty ideal fer tha' sort o' thing.

voice post, plasmids, just like rapture, ou: rose, tonics, modplot

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