Whatcha think?

Dec 01, 2005 20:18

So, here's what I'm doing for christmas presents this year. For my friends who are girls, I s'pose, and like the idea.

I'm makin' a little ticket book thingy good for a redeemable massage. A good, solid, full body massage with the works. Oils, candles, atmospheric music. All that stuff.

Sound good?

So far I've got the pad to lay on, a really sweet pillow, lots of scented candles, some relaxing music, and a book of massage technique for me to brush up on in the next few weeks. Still have to pick up the oils and some comfortably soft towels that'll hold heat well (works well to dampen em just slightly and then run em on hot in the dryer).

As for what I'm gonna get the guys, I was thinkin' probably candy or something videogame related. My family's getting books or something I can use B&N discount on, cept Logan who I'll get something sport related.

Comments? Requests?

Anyway.. <3 to all.
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