Word(s) of the Day: Reunion/Going-Away/Birthday
Why?: For as laid back as I thought this weekend was, in retrospect I'm wondering if it was actually a lot busier than I ever gave it credit. Friday was a reunion with Kristal and Diana Baz (the 4th grade trio), Saturday was Sarah's going-away party and the first of my two birthdays (long story, but feel free to ask), and Sunday was the second of my two birthdays spent mostly with my family. My three-day weekend was an absolute blast and I thank everyone that called/texted/emailed etc. in recognition of my birthday (one or both days). It meant a lot! Have a great week, everyone.
Quote of the Day: "If you're thinking about moving, I wouldn't recommend it."
Why?: Noah had these wise words of wisdom to share with the viewing audience who happen to watch the video diaries we began filming today as we pack and load the truck for our move. The videos are now on YouTube: