A Furry Furry Happy Birthday!

Mar 11, 2010 11:47

So today's everyone's favourite werewolf's birthday! So what's a better way to celebrate than a small little birthday fic!

Title: Chocolate Cake
Author: cae_prince
Characters: Remus, Tonks and Teddy
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Don't own them. Never will.
Timeline: Strictly AU, ignores the crapilogue.
Warnings: Un-beta'ed. No plot.

Author’s Note: PWP, just a small fic on how I envisioned Remus spending a birthday morning with his family - Dora and Teddy. There is no story to this… just a drabble and me testing the waters of writing again after a long while. So blame any rustiness on that.
Its not the best. But I do plan to tweak this sometime. I just wanted to get this posted today. So if its rushed, I apologise!

( The day had started out to be one of those days where he wished he'd never left the security of his bed)
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