Title: The Vacant Interstellar Spaces
lady_morielFormat & Word Count: Fic, 2,282 words
Rating: PG?
Genre: Angst, drama
Pairing: Remus/Tonks
rt_challenge prompt (March 2008 ficathon): 12, image of the Andromeda galaxy
Warning: DH spoilers; canon character death; fluff that turns into a little angst and then into a whole truckload of angst; more geekery and Eliot-quoting (from East Coker again).
Disclaimer/claimer: Characters and situation are JK's; plot is mine.
Summary: Blacks pick names from the stars, so Remus and Tonks are stargazing for their child. The name they pick ends up coming from the sky anyway.
Author's Note: I'm pretty sure Jo didn't tell us exactly how this all happened, so...I made stuff up. Originally this was just going to be fluff, only the stargazing bit, and...things happened.
Remus squinted upward. 'Isn’t that Betelguese? Funny name, even for the Blacks.')