Today it is exactly a year since I moved in to this house, and like last year I am working crappy crazy hours for Christmas. I am working on the ward for people with frontal lobe dementia and it is like caring for a bunch of full size stroppy toddlers, they are unpredictable and self destructive, climbing on furniture or throwing everything out of the windows,(we had to laugh, the ward across the way rang to tell us that a patient seemed to be throwing stuff out of his window, which was surprising because the windows can only open a tiny amount, however when we arrived in his room he was completely naked and had managed to get all his clothes, his bedclothes and pillows and his (used) nappy out of that very small space) falling over, or refusing to eat even when they are really hungry, so that it’s a two man job to feed them because one person has to hold their arms to enable the other to put food in their mouth without being smacked or pinched or scratched. Believe me it is exhausting...
Next month I am going on to nights, on the same ward, I have no idea if that will work out better or worse.
When Raph and I went to England we bought enough smelly stuff in duty free to qualify for a free teddy bear which Raph promptly promised to his frenemy Berengere.
This is a picture of us at the airport full of optimism.
She wasn’t impressed, because she does marketing as well and knows all about the “value” of the free gift, and so somehow we found ourselves trying to improve the situation by me offering to knit a sweater for the bear. She graciously acquiesced, asking that the garment should be pink with a B on it... yeah right. I was not actually intending to spend any money on the project and I haven’t got any pink wool, but I have begun knitting with some variegated sock yarn that I bought in Munich over 10 years ago. I am beginning to regret my offer even so, because I don’t how to shape a sweater without a pattern, but I am too tight to pay for a pattern from Ravelry and none of the free patterns are suitable.
I have pretty much finished some felt slippers, made from a kit from Aldi, but somehow those are also promised to Berengere...
Here I am modeling the damp objects on their extraction from the washing machine. I enjoyed making them and if Aldi has any left I might make some more.
Teddy is trying on his sweater.
Despite my grumbling things are better than this time last year, Marco is much happier, as are the cats. I have managed to apply for my new passport online and I am starting my application for French nationality now that Brexit seems inevitable.