Marco has developed the habit of coming and whining at my bedroom door in the night when he gets cold. I leave him all snuggled up in a blanket and I have a quilted cover on the sofa that he can get under if he tries, but I am vulnerable at 2am so I just let him in and he gets in under the covers. This often means that I am disturbed by his twitching dreams, or when he suddenly decides that he is too hot and stands up.
Yesterday when I arrived at work I had to sign to say that I had been given a letter, I mean we all did, even the doctor and the psychiatrist. This letter was to tell us that the institut was in serious financial trouble. I am not only somewhat uneasy about what this means for us and our patients but more than slightly pissed off that in the last 3 years there have been two directors, both of whom received considerable golden handshakes, plus two wrongful dismissals who both had to be compensated after legal advice. The letter was to ask us to be considerate in view of the situation, which is not reassuring in my opinion!
Then I came home to find that Marco had been in the bin, and also the dry goods cupboard. On days like this I wonder why I have a dog. He can be good for weeks at a time but then he gets a bit crazy.
At 10.15 it can be hard to take this in a calm manner and Marco found himself out in the yard while I tried to restore order. Today is a day off, before three early shifts but I doubt that there will be much resting !