Feb 15, 2009 22:28
It involves excrement and ventilating equipment.
I have just emailed John to tell him that as the proposed train journeys didn't suit I would be sending Raph to stay with Polly instead...
I feel quite giddy with the rebelliousness of it all, after all, throughout the last thirty years I have done whatever John has wanted, for the most part. Well, apart from leaving him, I suppose, but I am fed up with his continual whimpering about being a helpless and sick old man, poor and defenceless. When he reacted to the proposition that he drive 50km to drop Raph off for the train home, by saying it was too far, and his car wasn't working very well at the moment I just saw red. I have done the major part of ferrying Raph, paying John to look after his own son, and picking up the pieces when Raph came home afterwards and then he won't even try...No, not this time.
Raph is thrilled, and as Poll is planning to involve him in a political demonstration against cuts in education he can hardly wait to get up to Nantes with a placard. He's a bit nervous about how J will take it..."Daddy always has a go at me when Mummy has had a RAWR at him..." but otherwise, "Choose between a week freezing in a tiny cottage with a grumpy father, or spending time with a cool sister with blue hair and a giant tattoo in a great big city?"