May 08, 2006 18:38
everyone puts on a facade. its a way for survival. everyone learned, everyone but me, i take "be true to urself" too literally. this fork in the road has gone on too long, it is time that it leads me back to my main path. people care, btu to an extent, becareful never to exceed that limit. once passed that point, redemption is hard. learn to put on a front, learn to deal with people, learn to live and forget, learn to ignore ignorance. then maybe i will be a happier person for myself, adn for everyone around me. nothing in life is going to be fair, learning to deal with it rather than fight against it everytime will be better, less stressful, less eventful. learn not to care as much. then perhaps, i hope, everything will better. defiance has gotten the better of me, maybe sometimes its worth it to comform adn to follow, no matter what i believe.
look at me again next year, and hopefully guys, tell me how i have changed for hte better.
lol, isnt my "new years resolution" a little bit too late.