Whitney is officially the best wifelet ever. She definitely gets high marks in the "support" category, at the very least. Tonight I sent her the thing I'm working on at present:
me: *sends things*
her: omg-<333333333333333333333
me: *falls all over herself*
her: as well you should!
me: heee
me: ...you really like it?
her: -yes. I rillyrilly do. It makes me want to pick up a pen and write something as true as that, and I never can.
me: awwwwwwwww
me: <33333 omg
her: you can write about things like that, and I have to hide behind other people all the time. I just can't do it.
So. much. love. Way more to her credit than mine, she's got actual stories in more than one fandom going on, all of which have made me flail a lot in her general direction. *pimps*
Wow. It's already Thursday. I definitely haven't studied for my film test. At all.
Oh, goody.