
Oct 11, 2006 03:53

I love my new t-rex icon. Shelby has suggested I move to an all-t-rex-icon format, and I'm inclined to agree.

Things what have happened this week:
1. Um, North Korea got the Bomb? The U.N. is "displeased."

2. I dreamt last night that I was wearing Shelby's crazy feather earrings. I don't have holes in my ears in real life. Dreammoods.com sez: "To see ears in your dreams, suggests that you need to be more responsive or receptive to guidance and assistance from others. You may be relying too much on your own judgment and intuition. You need to listen more closely to what you are being told. Alternatively, it signifies your immaturity and lack of experience." This is not very encouraging.

3. Gucci pissed on the loveseat, which we had so far managed to keep piss-free since we brought it home in what I think was April.

4. I made pumpkin spice cake! I've also been doing lots of other fall-themed cooking/baking/drinkmaking things.

5. Shelby and I went to the Ben Kweller concert for free so she could take pictures and write a story. That was fun.

6. I had a good interview for a telemarketing job at a pretty small mortgage banking company. He was supposed to call me back today and didn't; I'm pretty sure I got it but if he doesn't call me by two or so tomorrow I'm calling him to see what's up. It's fourteen bucks an hour and holy crap do I ever need money; it's vitally important that I get something in the next week or so. Since January I've felt bad about needing more money than what I'm getting to live on every month, but this month I sat down and did the math: after the bills are paid I have $95 dollars to live on, and that includes gas and groceries. Obviously summer is worse because we have the AC going all the time; in the winter our electricity bills are much lower, but even then that's only an extra eighty bucks or so. If I'm making another $200 a week I can sack away a bunch in savings every month and have enough in the spring to set up housekeeping and then have no money left over, hurrah.

7. I have been reading my friendslist, I promise, and I'm sorry I've been so bad at commenting. My head's kind of in a tizzy right now with spanish and our IDL and me not starting my thesis yet; I do read and then say I'll go back and comment and then never get around to it. Also I haven't replied to an email my father sent me on September 24th, either.

8. I have a lot to say! A few nights ago I dreamt I was pregnant and had a baby1; last week sometime I dreamt I had sex with Nate; I dreamt I fell asleep standing up by the side of a road somewhere and was angry at Shelby for not waking me up and letting me sleep not only through Spanish class but also until eight o'clock at night; I dreamt my sister gained like forty pounds; I made mulled wine and mulled cider and brought home things for a curry and the best olive oil I've ever tasted in my life; I've been making my bed in the morning and shining the sink before bed at night almost every day for two and a half months; Shelby and I sat on the pier on Calhoun and drank three dollar wine from Trader Joe's and fed the ducks with cornbread muffins from Famous Dave's and played the celebrity game and got sprayed in the face with lake water; I've broken out my moccasins and have to put on a sweater before I go outside now; I lust after these shoes ever since I saw them in a DSW because they're split-sole like dance sneakers and they make you feel positively feline when they are on your foots; subsequently I've been drooling over capeziodance.com as well. So! I have a lot to say, many things are going on, but I've just gotten out of the habit of updating in the, oh, thirteen months that I haven't had unfettered internet access, and I'm just not currently using LJ like I used to. I'll try to get better.

Anyway. I love! Here, have a comic from Married to the Sea. As a matter of fact, have all of them: they only started in February and each month is on a single page with all the comics visible, so it only takes about 15 minutes to read everything they've done so far.

I realize this is long and that's another part of the problem -- I feel like if I go so long without updating I have way too much to say and nobody reads it and nobody cares -- but again, I'll try to get better, and give you guys slightly smaller doses.

1This really does need some explanation. So I dreamt I was pregnant, right, and I had the baby, and it wasn't that hard and didn't take more than three minutes and didn't hurt at all; I didn't realize until after I'd given birth and was looking at it (him? I think? I don't remember) that I was supposed to be scared, that it was supposed to hurt, that I was supposed to be horrified (which I am in real life; I'm absolutely terrified of having a baby). It was at that point that I broke down crying in fear, interestingly enough. I didn't remember the dream until later in the day, as I was sitting in Spanish class, and for some reason it really disturbed me that I dreamt I was pregnant. Go figure. Interestingly enough, everyone and everything says it's a really good thing: it foretells a windfall in money or creativity (both of which I could really fucking use) and, like, "To see a baby in your dream, signifies innocence, warmth and new beginnings. Babies may symbolize something in your own inner nature which is pure, vulnerable, and/or uncorrupted....To dream of giving birth or see someone else giving birth, suggests that you are giving birth to a new idea or project. It also represents a new attitude, fresh beginnings or a major upcoming event....To dream that you are pregnant, symbolizes an aspect of yourself or some aspect of your personal life that is growing and developing. You may not be ready to talk about it or act on it. This may also represent the birth of a new idea, direction, project or goal."

friendlets!, work, fooding, who got the hooch, nesting, the internets, money honey, sometimes i like to buy things, icons, snark, cracked-out dreams, men, faithesis, comix, felby, politico, checking in, eljay, nate

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