[open letters]

Apr 26, 2006 11:49

Dear Everyone-Involved-with-Nashville-Star:
Thank you for letting everyone sing last night, because they all rock really hard. Also thank you for bearing out the prediction I made at the beginning of the show, and thank you, thank you, thank you for sending the final four out on tour together, because omg.


She who has finally forgiven you for sending home [Jared Ashley] and [Matt Mason], devilishly handsome though they are, so long as [Chris Young] wins this mother like the winning thing he is.

Dear Nashville Star Camerapeople:
I know Cowboy Troy is about eight miles taller than Wynonna, and I know he has a penchant for wearing tight jeans and belt buckles the size of his head. HOWEVER. Must you always, always frame the two of them like [ this]? Because honestly, I really don't want to look at Troy's package all night, and yet I CANNOT LOOK AWAY. It's so SHINY and so FRONT-AND-FUCKING-CENTER. Can you seriously not just zoom in a little? I mean I'm all in favor of the belt buckle (sort of), but I do not need to be forced to look at what's directly beneath it. That is not necessary. I would rather not spend the evening with my eyes glued to Troy's crotchal region (Anchorman reference extremely intentional), but I would also rather not have to LOOK AWAY from the television when we have a shot of him because it is all I can do not to stare.

(Also, and I realize this is not your fault, but Hank Williams Jr. is a loud, only-mildly-talented asshole who has NO IDEA how to dress himself, and it is truly a tragedy that Nashville Star fandom is such a limp noodle because otherwise I would find pictures and eviscerate him for all to see. It was BAD, let me tell you that much. SO BAD.)


She who is terrified of the bling on Hank Williams Jr.'s fingers and Cowboy Troy's belt.

So anyway. That all happened. I didn't get any work done on my thesis. The Daily Show was really good last night. I think I might take a full hour for lunch and go shopping for jeans. New icon. I got the T-Rex book in the mail yesterday, and that was EXTREMELY exciting. I realize I've been slacking in the answering of comments and etc. I need to call a lot of people and get a lot of things done and clearly I need more coffee. Other than that, there's not much news. How's things with you guys?

teevee, men, faithesis, icons

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