[not spring cleaning]

Mar 13, 2006 10:49

So somehow I gave myself a papercut on the very top of my index finger yesterday, and then proceeded to clean with that hand, which meant it got slightly infected (my fingers in general, by the way = ow. if you work your fingers to the bone, what do you get? bony fingers!). Thus, I was putting on a Band-Aid™ this morning, and thinking about band-aids, and then thinking about sticking plaster, and then thinking about sticking, and then "sticking places," and suddenly "Kill the Beast" from Beauty and the Beast was running through my head. Incessantly.

And then I went outside and it was WHITE outside, SO WHITE because it snowed soft, wet snow all night and it coated EVERYTHING and the sky was white, too, and the world was WHITE in a way I think it really hasn't been all year, and it was the kind of morning where you better know where the fuck you're going and which intersections you're supposed to stop at, because all the signs are plastered in snow and they're not helping you out, that's for damn sure. So I scraped eight inches of snow off my car and took forty minutes to get to work and almost got in only one accident and got stuck in the office parking lot and there were only three other people here anyway. Monday omg.

work, teh grate whitey north

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