Nic's show last night gave me chills. Nic's show and Noah's performance and Sandy's lighting and Adam's sound design (and
virtuistic's masterful operating of the sound board, of course) and I loved the show, it was great, but I wasn't quite as impressed as I had wanted to be -- but then again I wanted to be really fucking impressed. But then it
gave me chills (see item #3), and then I was duly impressed.
And then Noah and Natalie and Sandy and Nic Not-Hager came over and we had Chianti (oh yes, did I tell everyone this? I spent nine dollars at Costco on a liter and a half of what turned out to be really, really good Chianti) and
oatmeal cookies and coffee, with butterscotch schnapps and cinnamon schnapps and irish cream, and lo, it was good. And nobody got falling-down drunk or spent the night on the futon (again), and yet everyone was suitably drunk and having a fine time, thanks very much. We also listened to Ella Fitzgerald and watched Zoolander. I got your high culture RIGHT HERE.
Morning, everyone! Tell me something sunny!