Music spam. Take, love, let me know if the links run out, etc.
"Wake Up" - Alicia Keys, "The Diary of Alicia Keys"
- It starts out slow, but just wait for it. I love the chorus, like, a lot. My sister once said that Alicia Keys' voice was "beyond reproach, but her music is just boring." I am tempted to agree, but I also think that, since her voice and her talent at the piano and her composition are all beyond reproach, if she gets a good producer she's golden. "The Diary of Alicia Keys" has a really good producer, so.
"Sex at Six" and
"High Horse", both by
The Profits, both from "The Sign of the Dollar"
- I think either Shelby or I may have already put these up, but if not, you guys need to have them, because, wheee.
"The Uglified Ducky" - Willy Claflin
- I got nothin'. Just listen, and fall over laughing, and I will have made my point.
"The Moose and the Cheese" - Willy Claflin
- It's like that other one just like this (I think the Fox and the Crow, maybe?), except this one has a moose. And cheese.
"The Anchor Song" - Bjork, "Family Tree"
- I live by the ocean/and during the night/I dive into it/down to the bottom/underneath all currents/and drop my anchor/because this is where I'm staying/this is my home. I just. I can't even. I decided the other night, as I was listening to this and working on my story for honors seminar, that (not to be morbid or anything) I want this song played at my funeral. It's gorgeous, and quiet, and perfect in every possible way.
eta: okay. I've taken a three-hour break from this thing, and had two cups of coffee in the interim. god I need to get back to work. ...*refreshes friendslist*