Feb 28, 2006 13:02
I see things changing and it excites me. people change all the time its just amatter of what we let change us. I've been at Cit on A Hill for 8 months now and man have i changed. and each of you has changed in that time as well. can;t wait to see what is in store for all of us. will each of us be able to stand up to the testing that is to come or will we decide that we are better off not listening to the correction that the Lord has for us. Will we fly with the wings of eagles or return to our vomit like dogs. how will we change. How will we grow? EAch of us has the capacity to do something that the world has never seen we are called set apart and anointed we will operate in our anointing or set it aside for another day. will we be the earth shakers that we are called to be defeating the enemy or will we allow the enemy to defeat us with the spirit of procrastination. we gotta get crunk for Jesus and allow only Him to change and mold our lives. We have to accept and welcome the discipline that will make us who we are to become. We have to see eachother through the eyes that Christ sees with. Pray for eachother and help eachother grow.