Nov 03, 2003 21:14
Well everyone this weekend was SOOOO MUCH FUN...and the new "Better off" cd is going to be sooooooo good. Just wait! Lots of laughs and jokes were done this weekend too, but besides al that lots got done as well. So tonight I was going to hit up the studio to do some mixing on the album but they are ALL taken tonight, so that leaves tuesday, saturday, and sunday for mixing. Which is not to bad...besides Nick MIGHT be taking a trip up here on saturday after he is done work to hang out and mix saturday and that would be awesome. Plus my brother might be coming up this weekend too...well he told me he wanted to, I have to talk to him about that will be good to keep me busy and keep my mind off things back home. I just have to hope for the best...if things never get better...she was the best part of my life to date, and it will be very very hard for any girl to take her all of you hope for the best for me as well. I love ya guys, please post a comment or whatever you want. T Jizzle out for now. Pizzle!