Nov 14, 2009 22:10
As many now know, the Curse Brigade is an organization dedicated to alleviating the short and long-term damage of curses through means such as gathering information, patrol and rescue teams, exploration of potentially dangerous new areas, and establishing clearly-marked sanctuaries in severe cases. We are not the police. However, it is our intent to maintain communications with them as frequently as possible, therefore allowing them more time to investigate genuine crimes.
To assign the most ideal positions and compile an accurate list of members, we are accepting official sign-ups from those who want to assist. Please fill out the form below to the best of your ability. By volunteering, you are willing and prepared to respond when needed at any given time, unless affected by a curse yourself. We can and will find use for anyone interested in joining these efforts.
What you wish to contribute to the Curse Brigade:
Any conditions that may prevent physical labor:
Other information:
You're encouraged to contact Setsuna F. Seiei, Lockon Stratos, or myself with further questions.