Nov 07, 2003 02:16
I've been spending a lot of time recently working on improving my grades. Normally, I wouldn't worry so much about this, but I had underestimated the vexability of anthropology. However, I'm pleased by how much I'm absorbing. Now, the true test will be to see if it changes my grades at all.
I've been thinking a lot about my family lately. Not like I don't see them on the weekends most times... It's not longing to see them, exactly. I'm very grateful for them.
To counterbalance my growing attention to studying at home, I've been skipping a few classes when I feel I can get away with it. Wednesday, I cut three classes to catch Matrix: Revolutions. My opinions were extreme (both good and bad), but my overall assessment was that it was worth six bucks. I also bough Wolves of the Calla (for those keeping track, this is something I do only extremely rarely...putting myself further in debt is something I normally avoid unless necessary).
The book is amazing. It completely expands on everything previously estabilshed and incorporates a new angle on the journey. Also, the mystery element is good enough to keep me up for hours to catch more. I'm hoping the ending doesn't let me down... I doubt it will, but I think that my gripe will be that I have to wait so long 'til the next one.... Well, it's not like I haven't waited years for this one, so that's not a really good point... Whatever.
Today I spent a little time coming up with more riddles, and I shared a few of them with people on-line. However, I guess I won't post them 'cause I don't think people would actually try for solutions. (Not to say that's a bad thing. I find it rare that people enjoy riddles...and if you don't enjoy them, why solve them?)
Anyways, so between work and rest I make my life. Like they say, life is all the things you do when you aren't doing anything else....