apocthepengu: I'm gonna go and write in the other room for a bit, gonna disco my Internet and try to finish this stupid fic.
me_luvy: All right. Good luck!
apocthepengu: I had an idea for an idiotic Harry Potter porn fic, too.
apocthepengu: Just a really dumb idea that I had when I woke up.
apocthepengu: See, Harry gets hit by a curse, so he gets, like, these little penises. All over his body.
me_luvy: ...
apocthepengu: Yeah.
me_luvy: *stares*
apocthepengu: I KNOW.
apocthepengu: It's WEIRD.
me_luvy: IT IS.
apocthepengu: I am possibly going to write it after this fic.
apocthepengu: The really weird part of this fic
apocthepengu: Is that the penises vanish after ejaculation
apocthepengu: So, since Harry can't possibly wank all by himself
apocthepengu: He has to enlist Hermione and Ginny to, ur, help
apocthepengu: And I am aware that I am a pervert who is going to the deepest reaches of Hell and there is a special spot in Satan's mouth reserved, right next to Judas, but I can't help but think that with the right amount of liquor I can pull it off. [/end sentence]
me_luvy: Ash.
me_luvy: That's gross.
apocthepengu: There's only a few on his ass.
me_luvy: Ash *grimaces*
apocthepengu: *smirks*
apocthepengu: I should write it.
apocthepengu: I should write it, and make you read it, and laugh and laugh and laugh.
apocthepengu: And, also, I should dedicate it to you.
me_luvy: No. I won't read it.
me_luvy: No. No, you shouldn't.
apocthepengu: Oh, but you WILL, love.
apocthepengu: I'll make a cut for it that is something completely innocent.
apocthepengu: Like, "Click for pics from [random event]!" Only now that won't work.
me_luvy: No, it won't.
apocthepengu: Well.
apocthepengu: There's still something.
apocthepengu: I'll think of something.
me_luvy: You know I will stop reading after one paragraph, right?
apocthepengu: Well.
apocthepengu: I'll cry.
me_luvy: ...I'll apologise.
apocthepengu: And then read it. Yeah?
me_luvy: Of course not.
apocthepengu: It's no worse than Wormtail/Percy.
apocthepengu: I'm going to write it and call your bluff.
apocthepengu: I bet you'll comment.
me_luvy: Do you have any idea of how scarred I still am?
me_luvy: Yep. "Didn't fool me. Ha!"
me_luvy: Or even better.
me_luvy: "tl;dr"
apocthepengu: Oh man, I would be crushed.
apocthepengu: I might even delete my Lj if I got a tl;dr.
apocthepengu: I'm posting this into LJ.
me_luvy: Of course you wouldn't.
me_luvy: You still have paid time.
apocthepengu: Yeah.
apocthepengu: I'd set it to self destruct on the day my LJ paid time expires.
me_luvy: *grins*
apocthepengu: *prepares LJ post.*
me_luvy: *rolls eyes*
me_luvy: *will use Boreanaz icon*
apocthepengu: *will use a strange icon. trawls through icon list.*
Never let it be said that
christycorr and I don't have fun. Well.
I am so, so writing that fic.