something when parents love their children.

May 21, 2005 00:36

hallo internet slaves, recently, I, James Devin Atticus Moffett Quinn Ridder Dailey esq., have tought myself to say "word bitch", in spanish. it is "palabra bruja." aren't i cool? not that i care wht anyone thinks of, cause im just so sad and non-conformist. i'm gonna go paint a really intricate design over my right eye now, and say it represents my inner pain, and angst, just to show you all how much i don't care what you think of me...ha. haha! yeah, well, i would like to take this time to be all annoying and live journal-y, and talk about something sincere. (i know, i know, just'll be over going to write LOOK HERE NOW when im done with al this sincerity business, so that way, ya'll can save yourselves the pain of seeing me being sensitive.) i would like to thank everyone in The Ugly Duckling, for making DTW so flipping awesome. Maddi-together, we made an amazing half of a person(get it? cause we were both real dumb-like. heh!) Lizzy-no onw is uglier than you, and i really mean that from the bottom of my heart! Gabe-you be so fuuny, and i didn't realize how talented an actor you were until this. Garvey-i really felt you and your character had a connection, in that, you both are ass kissing death-fearers. ( made sense to me.)Kathy-i didn' think i'd get over you being suuuuch a bitch to me in canada(i kid, i kid..hehe) but i did, cause you just so tight! and jessie-you are the most awesomest director in ever, and, ahhh!i can only think of a noise to describe your awesome factor...that noise is:skik-ak-a-ba-ba.and thats everyone...oh me! im funny, i really am. i didn't forget you sam! sam-you are one of the coolest people ive met in my life, and your directing skills are quite superb. hmmmm...i should write more about you considering you know about this journal and read it, but dont comment you, you-BLOODY EGG SACK. gah!you were all so awesome, and i honestly and truly liked each one of you,(and only one other time have i really liked everyone in my cast) and, i'm gonna force yall to be my friends forEVER, or...ill do something really, eat your babies or something. ok...exhale. LOOK HERE NOW. well. i'm glad i got that out. now i can go back to being angstful. whoops, my fingers are tired. blah blah blah. go bye-
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