Apr 02, 2011 21:06
[There's a small, shaky breath.
It becomes obvious, as the girl rambles, that this call was meant for someone who isn't here anymore--that person being Komachi. Since she couldn't find her, her call ended up going out to everyone! Sad, isn't it?]
--And I'm really sad, now, too. I don't think Parsee will like me anymore because I thought she--[SNIFF!]--lied to me and I got hurt and I made her cry.
I... I don't want anybody to hate me anymore. I don't want Parsee to hate me at all. I want to give her a hug and tell her I'm sorry but I think she's going to hate me because I did something horrible.
I did something horrible, right, Komachi? I did, didn't I? I should have believed her, and now she'll think I'm mean and stupid and... and... and now she really won't have a tea party with me so we can be friends forever and I don't have to be sad when Yuuka-sama leaves. That's what happens when you defeat someone, right? You stay with them forever, right? And you have tea parties in the garden.
Ah. I told the flowers hello again this morning... But I still feel sad. What should I do?
[She just sits, waiting for any response...]