Here you are~! The current characters and their statuses. Just to let you know, if your character is dead, that's because you said they died in the original poll and so I killed them XD Of course, they come back alive >.>;
Characters of The Worst Anime on Earth
The Hero
Name: Koizumi Satoko
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Birthday: September 13
Age: 20
Voiced by ??
Quirks: Short temper, short attention span
Other Notes: Was an accomplished chef. Both parents murdered.
Status: Deceased. Killed by Keisai.
The Best Friend Figures
Name: ?? Harue
Hair: Red
Eyes: Crystal Blue
Birthday: ??
Age: 18
Voiced by Pengueehime
Quirks: Beautiful hair
Other Notes: Previously worked in a pet store, was in love with Akira. Other history unknown.
Status: Deceased. Dies in Akira's arms.
Name: Kawakami Akira
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Gold
Birthday: April 16
Age: 20
Voiced by Koyasu Takehito
Quirks: Flying talking magical fish sidekick.
Other Notes: Worked in a bakery that burnt down. Father was killed. Mother died shortly after he was born. Loved Mikako, Harue, and is currently together with Takahito.
Status: Deceased. Killed by Keisai's minions.
The Cute One
Name: Chihiro
All info unknown.
Status: Inactive character. No longer used.
The Comedic Relief
Name: Sakana Momoko
Hair: Light Blue
Eyes: Light Blue
Age: 17
Birthday: February 2
Voiced by Touma Yumi
Quirks: Bionic arms, squirrel-phobia
Other notes: Worked at the zoo with parents, got fugue, joined the circus and a burger-flipping stand. Takahito's best friend.
Status: Alive and kicking
Name: ?? Mai
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Brown
Age: ??
Birthday: ??
Voiced by ??
Quirks: Loves hugs.
Other notes: Was previously a tinker. A tomboy. Previously loved Takiko.
Status: Died protecting Takiko. Current status unknown. Character Inactive.
Name: Tokuhana Chiaki
Hair: Purple, with silver and white streaks
Eyes: Grey Blue
Age: 19
Birthday: April 1
Voiced by Satsuki Yukina
Quirks: Cursed.
Other notes: Previously a member of an assassin's guild. Killed her only brother, "Takahito".
Status: Deceased. Killed by her curse.
Name: Abe Takahito
Real name: Yuki Shinta
Hair: Blue/black
Eyes: Green
Age: 19
Birthday: October 22
Voiced by Nobutoshi Canna
Quirks: Scar, Kansai
Other notes: Suffers from fugue. Both parents killed in an explosion, where he got the scar. Ran off and changed his name. Joined the circus with a young Momoko. Formed an underground pick-pocket chain. Loves Akira. Previous relationships unknown.
Status: Deceased. Killed by Keisai.
The Intelligent Ones
Name: Mayaka
Other info unknown.
Status: Inactive.
Name: Takiko
Quirks: Wears a pair of wings.
Other info unknown.
Previous lover of Mai.
Status: Inactive.
Name: Araki Yuriko
Hair: N/A
Eyes: Wine
Age: 20
Birthday: ??
Voiced by Sakamoto Chika
Quirks: Ever-changing hairstyle (usually with mood). Wears special bracelets to keep anything else from changing
Other notes: A student working in behind-the-scenes films. Previously in love.
Status: Alive.
Name: Tokugawa Michie
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Sapphire-violet
Age: 26
Birthday: September 9, 2017
Voiced by Fuzanki
Quirks: High cheekbones, beauty mark on right cheek.
Other Notes: The Queen of a faraway kingdom. Other history a secret.
Status: Alive.
The Pretty One
Name: Miyagawa Mikako
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Bright Green
Age: 17
Birthday: ??
Voiced by ??
Quirks: Bright green eyes, beauty
Other Notes: The Founder of WA. From a rich background. Was in a relationship with Akira. Loves all men since then.
Status: Alive.
Name: ?? Yoshioko
Hair: Black and White
Eyes: Jade
Age: 22
Birthday: June 6
Voiced by Orikasa Ai
Quirks: The Mocking Eyebrow
Other Notes: Used to be evil. The half-sister of Keisai.
Status: Alive.
Name: Yuki Kyouka
Hair: Light and Dark Blue
Eyes: Green
Age: 15
Birthday: ??
Voiced by ??
Quirks: Scar. Others unknown.
Other Notes: The long-lost sister of "Shinta". Not Kansai. Other info unknown.
Status: Alive.
Name: Chie Saori
Hair: Black with blue streaks
Eyes: Burgandy
Age: 23
Birthday: ??
Voiced by ??
Quirks: Says "Interesting!" a lot. Wears a fedora.
Other Notes: Previously a writer. Discovered the legend of WA and decided to join.
Status: Alive
Name: ?? Rinko
Hair: Rose Pink
Eyes: ??
Age: 19?
Birthday: ??
Voiced by ??
Quirks: Wears aviator glasses. Catch phrase "Oh shit"
Other Notes: A 1/2 member. More like the paparazzi. A college student working for the press. Loves Akira and Takahito. Hates Mikako
Status: Alive and kicking
The Villain
Name: Keisai
Hair: Grey/white
Eyes: Yellow
Age: 27
Birthday: Unknown.
Voiced by Teh Leila
Quirks: A large crimson tribal on her back
Other Notes: The CEO of the weapon branch of the military. The 1/2 sister of Yoshioko. Unlocked the dark magic of WA and created an underground kingdom.
Status: Winner.
Would you like to add any info where "??" were present? Please do! Also, if you'd like to become inactive, please comment. Don't worry, we aren't going to kill you.
If you aren't there, it's because I don't have an established character for you. ;3
I'm opening apps in my regular journal soon. >_>; For an eyepatch. Or else Takahito's taking it.