5 day late YEAR IN REVIEW!!!!!!

Jan 05, 2005 14:03

I took care of my sister Crissy for a month

I went to the New York City Tattoo Convention at the Roseland Ballroom
(we actually found a bartender who was hooking us up big time with our jack and cokes so by the end of this trip i was trying to guide like 6 big drunk bastards through the city and i DONT KNOW SHIT BOUT THE CITY!!!!!)

HELLFEST!!!!!! ALL 3 DAYS M F ERS!!!!!!! the best hour and a 2 hours of my life was on sunday of hellfest. CONVERGE, DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN, then BAD LUCK 13's LAST SHOW EVER!!!!!!!!! i did not think i was gonna survive it.

(side note to hellfest, me and Tom were talking to a german kid who told us bout shiza or something and we were pretty sure he was hitting on us. but in the middle of talking to us he started to pull his shorts off!!!! me an tom were just looking at each other like, WE NEED TO LEAVE NOW, but then he put them back on. Then his whole family showed up and started getting naked. We left then. Oh, this was at the hotel buy the way. hellfest did not come equiped with swimming pools.)

This summer was a lot of going to parties and bars or clubs or whatever.

I got a computer finally. And when i could not hook it up properly Jen LEE said her bro could proly do it. So i said, ok, and if you two want you guys can have the rest of my jack Daniels. Well, all my comp needed was to be plugged in properly so after i left, he did that and those two got DRUNK!!! I guess it was his first time, and for a quiet person, he had a lot to say then.

The Warship Tabernacle played its last two shows this year. SHALL THE WARSHIP RETURN!!!!???? stay tuned for the next episode. One show was with Haste the Day, Mercury Switch, Bowels of Judas, and The Fastlane(may they rest in peace) and the other was with Moreover, You and What Army, and Catalyst.

CALM.murder was born and in a very short time we have allready recorded a split cd with Catalyst called Two Sides of the Suicide King and that will be coming out very soon. We have played with Bury Your Dead, The Ocacia Strain, My Bitter End, Dead Tonight(watch out for these guys soon), Cold Water Tradgedy(These guys too), Strength for a Reason, Afflitus, Anyone but You, and now we are getting ready to play with Dead To FALL!!!!!! We need to sell tickets for that so please help us out and come to that show. Its on the 29th.

wow, this is only part one.
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