Dec 02, 2005 03:17
i love how i can control others' actions by just a click on a keyboard.
today kim and i were eating lunch together and sharing funny stories...i happened to mention one involving "my friend..well, ex-friend rachel" and of course that led to another story as to why we weren't friends anymore. i shared some of the amusing insults that were passed back and forth because being a bitch is our hobby during fashion classes and bio. naturally, kim was amused, and i thought it would be a tad fun to see what would happen if she made a little comment on my page about a certain someone. so i copyed and pasted her url onto kim's page, and kim wrote a cunty little remark on my page about it.
later on, i hear from reed that melissa was inquiring about the situation because she was going to leave a hello kitty picture on my page and just happened to read what kim wrote. (by the way melissa, i've yet to see that cute hk pic).
now, what kim wrote wasn't particularly directed towards could honestly apply to about half of vcu/richmond (reference my page for the exact quote). the only reason someone knew it was about rachel was that they looked on kim's page and found what i had written.
i hate when people "stalk" my page, don't you?
most importantly, i told kim earlier "she's going to find it in a few hours, and her friends and/or family are going to IM me about it, and then they're going to send you hate mail."
sure enough, this happened:
EJaxxx5: Hey. I guess I was just IMing you kind of figure out what's going on with strangers talking badly about Rachel on your My space.
EJaxxx5: This is Elizabeth by the way.
aStrangrWthCandy: ok?
EJaxxx5: Why is it that you have nothing better to do then get a girl involved with your childish problems... that girl doesn't even know who Rachel is.
EJaxxx5: That's kind of immature
aStrangrWthCandy: well you don't even know who that girl is or barely know me
aStrangrWthCandy: that's kind of immature
EJaxxx5: No because it involves my best friend..
EJaxxx5: I'm not fighting just asking.
EJaxxx5: That's all.
aStrangrWthCandy: well if rachel wants to know she can ask me herself. it's none of your business. thanks<3
EJaxxx5: That's pretty fucked up, KY.
aStrangrWthCandy: how is that fucked up?
aStrangrWthCandy: she gets mad when someone else gets in her business but it's okay for her "best friend" to do the same thing?
aStrangrWthCandy: i'm loving it.
EJaxxx5: Just basically talking shit about her then getting a girl to say shit about as well. Noo.. she isn't mad because you got in her business
EJaxxx5: she is mad because that girl randomly talked shit about her and so did you
EJaxxx5: She didn't copying anyone
EJaxxx5: Why is that even an issue
aStrangrWthCandy: if it doesn't bother her, then why are you IMing me? why did melissa IM my boyfriend?
aStrangrWthCandy: freedom of speech. we can say what we want and so can she.
EJaxxx5: She dropped it and you bring it back up.
aStrangrWthCandy: so what if i did bring it back up?
aStrangrWthCandy: if she was over it, she wouldn't care.
EJaxxx5: Obviously she cares when fucking trash starts saying she is a mental mouth. Good stuff.
aStrangrWthCandy: i'm sorry, there was nothing said about a "mental" mouth
EJaxxx5: metal*
aStrangrWthCandy: she doesn't care what people say/think about her right?
aStrangrWthCandy: why would she go on my page anyway if she was over it?
aStrangrWthCandy: how did she know the comment was about her unless she went on my friends page?
EJaxxx5: Not Rachel
EJaxxx5: So, obviously the message was delayed
aStrangrWthCandy: aStrangrWthCandy: how did she know the comment was about her unless she went on my friends page?
EJaxxx5: Didn't I just answer that?
aStrangrWthCandy: well apparently it upset someone enough to go on kim's page
aStrangrWthCandy: stalk much?
EJaxxx5: Oh yeah I like dealing with Trash whores
EJaxxx5: There wonderful liars
aStrangrWthCandy: no wonder why you hang out with rachel then
aStrangrWthCandy: you can copy and paste that to her too :-)
EJaxxx5: Haha!!
EJaxxx5: That's funny.
MelishiousMel: hey ky....
aStrangrWthCandy: hey
MelishiousMel: yeah elizabeth told me you asked y i imed
MelishiousMel: i just asked a question
aStrangrWthCandy: i wasn't asking why for an answer, it was a rhetorical question
MelishiousMel: oh lol
aStrangrWthCandy: and seriously if rachel has a problem with me she needs to talk to me not get you or elizabeth to do it.
MelishiousMel: well the reason she just knows about it, she doesn't have a problem cause i was going to put a picture comment of hello kitty on your comments and i saw that one and i said something and it got around and it pissed a few people off
aStrangrWthCandy: well the only way you would have known it was about rachel is if you went on my friends page right?
aStrangrWthCandy: if no one wants to get "pissed off" then they don't need to look at stuff when they're "over it"
MelishiousMel: well i saw metalmouth and that is what some people call her cause of her piercings so i kinda knew...
aStrangrWthCandy: well what if i told you it wasn't about her?
MelishiousMel: i'm not trying to piss you off ky
aStrangrWthCandy: oh i'm not pissed off.
aStrangrWthCandy: i'm amused b/c i knew all of this would arise from one little comment. or two.
MelishiousMel: yeah
aStrangrWthCandy: seriously though. if rachel has a problem with me, it's with me and she needs to talk about it with me. obviously she doesn't think she can handle it. and i never DID see that hello kitty picture you left on my page. i guess you forgot about it.
MelishiousMel: yeah i'll show it to ya i have it saved on my computer
aStrangrWthCandy: oh. ok.
MelishiousMel wants to directly connect.
MelishiousMel: connect
aStrangrWthCandy cancels request; no connection was made. (Note: For best results, you and your buddy should use the latest version of AIM.).
aStrangrWthCandy: i can't direcly connect b/c of my norton anti virus
MelishiousMel: oh
MelishiousMel: whats you e-mail
aStrangrWthCandy: just put it on my myspace page
MelishiousMel: i'll have to get the code together
aStrangrWthCandy: ohh okay
MelishiousMel: Onextremegurl: she needs to mind her business and tell her i said that her mom will be gettin a phone call and all her shit is gonna be out in the open
aStrangrWthCandy: like i said. if rachel has a problem with me. tell her. to. IM. me.
aStrangrWthCandy: and i don't how i'm not minding my own business by the way. two people (none of whom are rachel) IMed me tonight on her behalf.
aStrangrWthCandy: i didn't do anything to her. someone put a comment on my page which may or may not be about her, you read it, told her, and then everyone IMs me.
aStrangrWthCandy: no one forced kim to write that. if rachel wants to talk to kim, then she can go ahead.
aStrangrWthCandy: i mean she already knows her myspace page.
then, as i also predicted, kim gets some lovely fanmail:
From Melissa:
Hey I was on my friend ky's page going to leave her a picture comment and I came across yours saying shit about my best friend...... Whats up witht hat, you don't even know her?
From Elizabeth:
I happened to run across your comment you posted on KY's my space account and I realized something .. you were talking about a good friend of mine Rachel or you probably only know her as "onextremegurl" ...Badly I might had.. That's funny because I never knew that you two had met before. Wow. That's amazing. Well, my names Elizabeth and I'd like to talk to you about your mouth running especially about someone you don't even know.. Your so called friends don't fucking tell you the whole story. If they want to call someone trash just look into the mirror they'll find what they are looking for. I think that it would be best for you to stay out of their problems and leave a person who isn't bad alone. :) Thanks!!
From Rachel:
"eww what a poser... she sooo took your look but you make it look a million times infinity better... haha... plus shes got a metalmouth and they looks like shit "
can you please explain to me how I "took" ky's look?? PLEASE i would love to know...seeing as how i look/dress NOTHING like her... nor will i ever!!..and the taking the look is the OTHER way around!..I dyed my hair black years ago then ky goes and does it ive been wearing pink eyeshadow for 3 years and guess who just started to wear it now??..again need to get your facts straight honey before you start talkin bout people you dont even can you call me a poser when you dont even know me just on the way i look?? know NOTHING..the only people who are so called "posers" are the people who are calling people that!..if I was a poser i would be wearing bondage pants like these little goth kids are and listening to good charlotte, and greenday!! guess what i dont do any of that!!... and sorry honey but my piercings dont look like shit.....maybe it was just your face....thats bullshit to be talkin bout someone who you dont even know!...hope you know that you got a lot of people pissed for talkin shit about me!!! and you just started a lot of shit!
melissa, rachel,and elizabeth: thanks for playing.
now, i'm sure a lot of your are wondering why i would incite such a cunty, cunty thing. let me inform you of some previous incidents that occured this week:
-melissa randomly IMs miranda with "dustin wants to beat your ass for being two faced." miranda responds with something along the lines of "i don't care, he's high school, etc." not a minute later, miranda gets a call from, guess who? dustin. wondering why miranda had said such a horrid thing about him. the real question is: how did he find out?
-miranda and i talk and realize, hey, something is up. why would melissa spread things like that unless she wanted to start something? so naturally, it all falls back to that certain someone.
-i "stalk" her page. i admit it. i looked. at. rachel's. page. once in four months. god, i'm such a fucking loser who has nothing better to do with my time then check people's myspaces whom i hate. every hour of every day. sometimes every minute when i'm really motivated.
-i find "hi my name is rachel and i love when people who hate me copy me, it's really flattering." obviously a reference to us. because, you know, we all want to sit around on myspace all day without a job or a life. i'm dropping out of college as i speak right now. we all want black hair and pink eyeshadow. yep, i admit it: i never even considered going dark until i met rachel fisher. i never thought pink eyeshadow would look good on me until i saw it look incredible on her.
i honestly don't know where that comment came from. all cuntyness aside, i can't think of a time (friends or not) when i tried to copy her. and i thought she was "over it" too?
let's not forget the big zinger--removing something miranda put on johnathan's grave.
you know what?
i'm not even going to be sarcastic with this one.
that is the most fucked up thing i have ever ever heard in my life.
i knew she was shiesty, but i would NEVER imagine someone would be that low and disrespectful.
i don't care HOW much you hate someone, you do NOT take something off someone's grave from that person.
i had little respect for her before, and now i have absolutely none. hopefully anyone who reads this will have none either, because that is the lowest thing you could ever do. i always knew there was something wrong with you, and this really really proves it. you are lower than dirt. seriously.
so, in conclusion, i apologize for stalking rachel. i mean, look at her, who wouldn't want to? that one time i looked at her page during that four month period will last me the rest of the year, it was so awesome.
and since i stalked rachel, i think it's only appropriate to allow melissa to look at kim's page as well and then tell rachel. you know, because she was only trying to be the peacemaker, like with dustin and miranda. it's also okay for elizabeth to IM me and message kim to point out how it was wrong for kim to be involved with someone she doesn't know, you know, since elizabeth doesn't know me or kim. perfectly okay.
so thank you to elizabeth, melissa, and especially rachel. just when you think you're making some type of little statement about what you say and do, it's a slap in the face when you realize that you're just a pawn in someone else's game, and not only for the first time. every single thing you did in the past few days, i knew you were going to do. i know exactly what you're going to do next (i'll leave my fans in suspense though). i know exactly what you're going to say.
once again,
thanks for playing.
[and losing]