So, in honor of Earth Day (today) here's a video series from Vice tv (yeah, as in Vice Magazine...). I know, I know, it's a trio of hipsters who wear glasses and have tattoos and cuss a bunch, but if you look past that, I believe this series to be something very important. I've heard bits and pieces about
"Garbage Island" or "The Great Pacific Garbage Patch" or the "Pacific Trash Vortex" or what have you, but I've yet to have seen any sort of real documentation of it and of it's real effects on humanity and the environment. If you don't have any clue as to what I'm talking about, I beg you to watch this. If you have a clue as to what I'm talking about, I beg you to watch this. So, with that, I give you Vice Tv's Garbage Island series. Enjoy!
"The whole thing's kinda just one, big, unfathomable bummer." ps. Part 7 may or may not be a big waste of time.