Hello, all! The worshipdarklord 2013 fest is now finished posting. Reveals will be posted next Saturday, at which time you are free to respond to comments, post your work to your own journal or website, et cetera. Until then, you're encouraged to continue reading, viewing, reccing, and so forth!
Works by rating G: V PG: II PG-13: II R: V NC-17: III
Fic by length <1000: I 1000-2000: IV 2000-3000: I 3000-5000: III 5000-10000: II
Works by pairing category Slash: 4 Het: 8 Gen: 6
Most popular character (other than Voldemort): Bellatrix
Most popular het pairing: Voldemort/Bellatrix Most popular slash pairing: Voldemort/Harry
evening12 and I would also like to invite you to participate in a challenge in the interest of encouraging comments for the fest. When the reveals are posted, we will count up the number of comments, and the person who commented the most works for the fest will receive their choice of five custom icons, a shiny banner proclaiming your commenting prowess, or a Voldemort-centric drabble/ficlet (150-500 words) with the pairing (or lack thereof) of your choice. Everyone is eligible to take part in this challenge, whether you wrote/drew/recorded something or not.